Version 0 of Working with binary data

Updated 2001-05-15 14:34:06

Purpose of this page: To collate our knowledge about the facilities provided by Tcl to work with binary data, for example to talk to other applications using a binary protocol for exchanging information and commands.

The main facility is the binary command with its subcommands to dissect (scan) and join (format) binary data into/from standard tcl values (strings, integers, lists, et cetera).

To exchange the binary information with other applications all of the facilities of the I/O system are at our fingertips and ready to be used. But note:

  • When writing data with puts do not forget to use the option -nonewline or else puts will write an additional end-of-line character after the data you actually wanted to send out.
  • Speaking of end-of-line characters I should note that another common error when creating a channel destined for exchange of binary information is forgetting to use [fconfigure channel -translation binary]. This command reconfigures the channel to leave the characters \n and \r untouched. Without this Tcl will treat them as end-of-line characters and mangle them during input and output.
  • In most cases, binary data also needs to be input and output to and from channels in a raw form. Translating from (presumed) UTF-8 to your system's character set can be a disaster. You therefore almost certainly need [fconfigure $channel -encoding binary]. DKF sez: Note that setting the -translation to binary also sets the -encoding to binary, so you can usually ignore this one.
  • When reading binary information from a channel only read should be used. Avoid gets! The latter command will try to recognize end-of-line characters no matter what the channel is configured too. You can never be sure that such a character will not crop up in the middle of your packet.

On news:comp.lang.tcl , Mac Cody and Jeff David write:

Mac Cody wrote:

 > Here is a simple example that
 > first writes binary data to a file and then reads back the
 > binary data:
 > set outBinData [binary format s2Sa6B8 {100 -2} 100 foobar 01000001]
 > puts "Format done: $outBinData"
 > set fp [open binfile w]

Important safety tip. When dealing with binary files you should always do:

 fconfigure $fp -translation binary

I got bit hard on this one once when my \x0a and \x0d bytes got translated.

 > puts -nonewline $fp $outBinData
 > close $fp
 > set fp [open binfile r]

 fconfigure $fp -translation binary

 > set inBinData [read $fp]
 > close $fp
 > binary scan $inBinData s2Sa6B8 val1 val2 val3 val4
 > puts "Scan done: $val1 $val2 $val3 $val4"
 Jeff David

See Binary representation of numbers and Dump a file in hex and ASCII for examples of usage.