Version 6 of World-wide whiteboard

Updated 2002-08-29 15:27:30 "cool" and "handwriting" by dkf, "very" by RS, "Bye" by stevel, all in a few minutes...

n the Tcl chatroom we wanted to exchange drawings too, so here's an ultra quick shot we came up with:

 dkf        I'm really after a quick-and-dirty solution.
 dkf        Quick, dirty, but gets the job done and builds community.
 dgp        make it work now; make it good later?
 arjen        Well, it is almost weekend ... 
 dkf        Yes
 dkf        (But now, with all this discussion, I no longer want to draw the picture I was thinking of. Which was my point. If it's not immediate, it won't happen in a highly interactive environment like this.)
 suchenwi        I'm coding.. (standalone prototype, linked by user copy'n'paste...)
 suchenwi        Here comes the first quick shot:

 proc transmit {w id} {
     set ::entry "\$white_board create line [string map {.0 {}} [$w coords $id]]"
    .e selection range 0 end
 entry .e -textvar entry -bg white
 bind .e <Return> {eval $entry}
 set white_board [canvas .c -bg white]
 bind .c <1> {set entry ""; set id [%W create line %x %y %x %y]}
 bind .c <B1-Motion> {%W coords $id [concat [%W coords $id] %x %y]}
 bind .c <ButtonRelease-1> {transmit %W $id}
 pack .e .c -fill both -expand 1

Test data:

 $white_board create line 190.0 142.0 190.0 142.0 189.0 142.0 187.0 143.0 186.0 143.0  184.0 144.0 180.0 145.0 177.0 146.0 175.0 148.0 173.0 150.0 171.0 152.0 171.0 154.0 171.0 156.0 171.0 157.0 171.0 158.0 171.0 160.0 172.0 161.0 173.0 162.0 174.0 163.0 175.0 163.0 176.0 164.0 178.0 164.0 179.0 164.0 181.0 164.0 183.0 163.0 184.0 162.0 186.0 162.0 188.0 161.0 189.0 161.0 190.0 160.0 191.0 159.0 192.0 158.0 193.0 158.0 194.0 157.0 194.0 156.0 194.0 154.0 195.0 153.0 196.0 152.0 197.0 151.0 198.0 150.0 200.0 150.0 202.0 149.0 203.0 149.0 204.0 148.0 205.0 148.0 206.0 148.0 204.0 148.0 202.0 148.0 199.0 148.0 196.0 148.0 195.0 149.0 193.0 150.0 191.0 150.0 191.0 152.0 191.0 153.0 191.0 154.0 191.0 156.0 192.0 157.0 193.0 158.0 194.0 160.0 195.0 161.0 196.0 162.0 198.0 162.0 199.0 163.0 200.0 163.0 202.0 163.0 204.0 162.0 206.0 162.0 207.0 160.0 208.0 159.0 208.0 157.0 208.0 156.0 208.0 155.0 208.0 154.0 207.0 153.0 206.0 152.0 205.0 151.0 204.0 150.0 203.0 150.0 203.0 149.0 204.0 149.0 205.0 149.0 206.0 149.0 207.0 149.0 209.0 149.0 211.0 150.0 214.0 150.0 217.0 150.0 219.0 150.0 220.0 150.0 221.0 149.0 223.0 149.0 224.0 149.0 223.0 150.0 222.0 150.0 221.0 151.0 219.0 152.0 218.0 153.0 217.0 154.0 217.0 155.0 217.0 156.0 217.0 157.0 218.0 158.0 218.0 159.0 219.0 159.0 219.0 160.0 219.0 161.0 220.0 161.0 221.0 161.0 222.0 161.0 223.0 161.0 224.0 160.0 225.0 159.0 226.0 158.0 227.0 157.0 227.0 156.0 227.0 155.0 226.0 154.0 226.0 153.0 225.0 152.0 223.0 151.0 222.0 150.0 221.0 150.0 220.0 150.0 221.0 150.0 222.0 150.0 223.0 150.0 224.0 150.0 225.0 150.0 226.0 150.0 227.0 150.0 228.0 150.0 229.0 150.0 230.0 150.0 231.0 150.0 233.0 149.0 233.0 148.0 235.0 147.0 235.0 146.0 235.0 145.0 236.0 144.0 237.0 141.0 238.0 139.0 239.0 137.0 240.0 135.0 240.0 134.0 240.0 132.0 239.0 130.0 238.0 128.0 238.0 127.0 238.0 125.0 237.0 124.0 236.0 126.0 235.0 129.0 235.0 132.0 235.0 135.0 235.0 138.0 235.0 140.0 236.0 142.0 236.0 144.0 236.0 147.0 237.0 149.0 237.0 151.0 238.0 153.0 238.0 155.0 239.0 157.0 239.0 158.0 240.0 159.0 241.0 160.0 242.0 161.0 242.0 160.0 242.0 159.0