Version 3 of Writing to Your Starkit

Updated 2002-10-07 18:18:28

writable writeable vfs

I packaged my mindweb app in a starkit. All its data was also stored in the starkit. I had read somewhere that by default starkits were writable (r/w) but this in fact has changed over summer 2002. [L1 ] Now starkits are by default read-only (r/o) [L2 ], but the documentation is lagging behind that fact.

You make your starkit writable by doing it at wrap time:

  sdx wrap app.kit -writable

2002-09-17 (September 17, 2002) sdx doesnt give any hints that this option exists when displaying help with

  sdx help wrap

but it does indeed exist! ;>

Ro My starkit is wrapped to be writable, but for some reason changes to the files in the starkit are only written to the disk when I quit the app. Does anyone know how I can make my starkits write to the disk more often? Thanks a bundle ;D

Sexy Starkits

Category Tclkit