Version 0 of Yet Another Field Mapper

Updated 2008-01-08 19:38:07 by paraplegic

Hopefully someone who needs to use maps for ttk::entry widgets might find this useful.

# # A Tcl/Tk Data Entry poor man's template package. # Written by Control-Q Research 2008 # # Usage terms as with the same BSD license as Tcl/Tk. # eg: use it for whatever you'd like ... but don't # call me when something breaks ;-) # # data entry package, adds template input ... # eg: {(999) 999-9999} # {9999/99/99} # {99:99:99} # note, a <SPACE> will delete the entry ... # sample code at bottom. # namespace eval de {

        # map:  9       digit
        #       A       alpha
        #       X       Alpha numeric
        #       .       sep character (Literal)
        proc fmtChar chr {
                if [string equal "9" $chr] {
                        return digit
                if [string equal "A" $chr] {
                        return alpha
                if [string equal "X" $chr] {
                        return alnum
                return literal

        proc Mapper { map wdg key } {
                if ![string is print $key] {
                        if [$wdg selection present] {
                                $wdg delete sel.first sel.last
                                return 1
                        $wdg delete 0 end
                        return 1
                set val [$wdg get]
                set ix [string length $val]
                set mx [string length $map]
                if { $ix >= $mx } {
                        return 0
                set fm [string index $map $ix]
                set tst [fmtChar $fm]
                switch $tst {
                        digit -
                        alpha -
                        alnum {
                                if [string is $tst $key] {
                                        return 1
                                return 0
                        literal {
                                while { [string equal literal $tst] == 1 } {
                                        $wdg insert end $fm
                                        incr ix
                                        set fm [string index $map $ix]
                                        set tst [fmtChar $fm]
                                if [string is $tst $key] {
                                        $wdg insert end $key
                                        return 1
                                return 0        }


# sample usage ... package require Tk package require Ttk ttk::entry .e0 -width 14 -invalid bell \

        -validate key -validatecom [list de::Mapper {(999) 999-9999} %W %S]

ttk::entry .e1 -width 14 -invalid bell \

        -validate key -validatecom [list de::Mapper {9999/99/99} %W %S]

ttk::entry .e2 -width 14 -invalid bell \

        -validate key -validatecom [list de::Mapper {99:99:99} %W %S]

pack .e0 pack .e1 pack .e2

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