Version 254 of Zarutian

Updated 2007-05-01 22:39:36 by Zarutian

* is my web page (seriusly out of date)

How the hell do you pronounce my nick? In four syllabels: Za-ru-ti-an

I am also active on wikipedia under the same nick. (Both the English one and the Icelandic one)

Stuff I am thinking about implementing/doing (DONT PUT PRESURE ON ME PLEASE!):

  • write a simple Tcl interpreter purely in Lua.
  • publishing my bindiff procedures and binpatch procedure. (that would be awesome! Please do)
   That might take a while because I have to dig the up from my old CRT iMac. (29.mars 2006)
   Which I still havent got around to do (14. oktober 2006)
  • write multiplexing and demultiplexing stuff to learn some tricks with rechan
  • - One is to have dual sided memchan (aka one handle to write to and another one to read from)
  • investigate what whould be the best way to write a bytecode compiler for Tcl in pure-Tcl (related to Scripted Compiler)
  • - Arent Syntax Dictionary Encoded code better cross platform than bytecodes?
  • change the unknown procedure to lookup a procedure in the parent namespaces up to the global namespace instead in just current and global.
  • wikit additions:
  • - post to the Tcler's chatroom when a page has been edited. (Some sort of flood preventation would be a good idea)
  • - add reversion deltas. (Current version and back-deltas to earlier versions are saved in two files)
  • ? autosave like in Gmail compose

=== scratchpad ===

  package require Tcl 8.5
  # Tcl 8.5 required because of usage of dict
  proc run {} {
    variable state
    while {[dict get $state running]} {
      switch -exact -- [string index [dict get $state code] [dict get $state index]] {
        "\{" {
          set item "\{"
          set brace-level 1
          dict incr state index +1
          while {$brace-level > 0} {
            set char [string index [dict get $state code] [dict get $state index]]
            if {$char == "\\"} {
              append item $char
              dict incr state index +1
              append item [string index [dict get $state code] [dict get $state index]]
            } elseif {$char == "\{"} {
              append item $char
              incr brace-level +1
            } elseif {$char == "\}"} {
              append item $char
              incr brace-level -1
            } else {
              append item $char
            dict incr state index +1
          dict append state stack [dict get $state stack-level] command $item
        "\[" {
          dict incr state stack-level +1
          dict set state stack [dict get $state stack-level] start-index [dict get $state index]
        "\]" {
          set frame [dict get $state stack [dict get $state stack-level]]
          dict unset state stack [dict get $state stack-level]
          dict incr state stack-level -1
          dict append state stack [dict get $state stack-level] command [execute $frame]
        "\n" {
          set frame [dict get $state stack [dict get $state stack-level]]
          dict unset state stack [dict get $state stack-level]
          execute $frame
        default {
          dict append state stack [dict get $state stack-level] command [string index [dict get $state code] [dict get $state index]]
      dict incr state index +1
      if {[dict get $state index] >= [string length [dict get $state code]]} { popReturnstack }
  proc exacute {frame} {
    variable state
    dict incr state run_quota -1
    if {[dict get state run_quota] == 1} {
      dict set state running no
    set command_name [lindex [dict get $frame command] 0]
    if {[dict exists $state definitions $command_name]} {
      if {[string equal "primitive" [dict get $state definitions $command_name type]]} {
        return [apply [dict get $state definitions $command_name contents] $frame]
      } elseif {[string equal "combined" [dict get $state definitions $command_name type]]} {
        initFrame [list code [dict get $state definitions $command_name contents]]
    } else {
      if {[string equal $command_name "unknown"]} {
        execute [list command [list error "unknown command not found"]]
      } else {
        execute [dict merge $frame [list command [list unknown [dict get $frame command]]]]
  proc popReturnstack {} {
    variable state
    dict set state [dict merge $state [dict get $state returnStack]]
  proc pushReturnstack {} {
    variable state
    dict set state returnStack $state 
  proc initFrame {presets} {
    variable state
    dict set state index -1 
    dict set state code  {}
    dict set state stack-level 0
    dict set state stack 0 {}
    dict set state [dict merge $state $presets]

=== codeStart ===

  proc textDelta {strA strB} {
    # strA should always be longer than strB
    if {[string length $strA] < [string length $strB]} {
      set tmp $strA
      set strA $strB
      set strB $tmp
      unset tmp
    set indexA 0
    set indexB 0
    set theChange_text ""
    set theChange_end undefined
    set theChange_start undefined
    while {$indexA < [string length $strA]} {
      set charA [string index $strA $indexA]
      set charB [string index $strB $indexB]
      if {$charA == $charB} {
        incr indexB
        if {$theChange_start != "undefined"} {
          set theChange_end $indexA
      } else {
        append theChange_text $charA
        if {$theChange_start == "undefined"} {
          set theChange_start $indexA
      incr indexA
    if {$theChange_end == "undefined"} { set theChange_end $theChange_start }
    return [list $theChange_text $theChange_start $theChange_end]
  proc namedArgs {} {
    upvar args args
    foreach {name value} $args {
      upvar $name tmp
      set tmp $value

  if 0 { Zarutian: The following is deprecated. }

 package ifneeded zarutian.memchan 1.0 {
  package require rechan 1.0
  namespace eval ::zarutian::memchan {}
  proc ::zarutian::memchan::handler args {
    log [info level 0]
    set cmd  [lindex $args 0]
    set chan [lindex $args 1]
    variable buffers
    variable write_read
    if {$cmd == "write"} {
      if {[lsearch [array names write_read] $chan] == -1} {
        error "$chan is only open for reading"
    append buffers($write_read($chan)) [lindex $args 2]
    return [string length [lindex $args 2]]
  } elseif {$cmd == "read"} {
    if {[lsearch [array names write_read] $chan] != -1} {
     error "$chan is only open for writing"
    set data [string range $buffers($chan) 0 [lindex $args 2]]
    set buffers($chan) [string range $buffers($chan) [expr [lindex $args 2] +1] end]
    return $data
  } elseif {$cmd == "close"} {
    if {[lsearch [array names write_read] [lindex $args 1]] != -1} {
      close $write_read($chan)
      unset buffers($write_read($chan))
      unset write_read($chan)
 proc ::zarutian::memchan::new {} {
  log [info level 0]
  variable write_read
  set write [rechan ::zarutian::memchan::handler 4]
  set read  [rechan ::zarutian::memchan::handler 2]
  set write_read($write) $read
  return [list $write $read]
 package provide zarutian.memchan 1.0

 package ifneeded zarutian.demultiplexing 1.0 {
  package require zarutian.memchan 1.0
  namespace eval ::zarutian::demultiplexing {}
  proc ::zarutian::demultiplexing::readChan {incoming_channel} {
    variable channels
    if {[eof $incoming_channel]} {
      foreach item [array names channels] {
        if {[string match "[set incoming_channel]_*" $item]} {
          foreach chan [set channels($item)] {
            close $chan
      close $incoming_channel
    fconfigure $incoming_channel -encoding unicode -blocking 1 -translation auto
    gets $incoming_channel line
    set cmd [lindex $line 0]
    if {$cmd == "data"} {
      set chanId [lindex $line 1]
      set length  [lindex $line 2]
      fconfigure $incoming_channel -encoding binary -blocking 1 -translation binary
      set data [read $incoming_channel $length]
      foreach chan $channels("[set incoming_channel]_[set chanId]") {
        puts $chan $data
    } elseif {$cmd == "eof"} {
      set chanId [lindex $line 1]
      foreach chan $channels("[set incoming_channel]_[set chanId]") {
        close $chan
    } elseif {$cmd == "flush"} {
      set chanId [lindex $line 1]
      foreach chan $channels("[set incoming_channel]_[set chanId]") {
        flush $chan
  proc ::zarutian::demultiplexing::addChan {channel chanid {listenChannel {}}} {
    variable channels
    if {$listenChannel != {}} {
      set write $listenChannel
      set read  $listenChannel
    } else {
      set temp [::zarutian::memchan::new]
      set write [lindex $temp 0]
      set read  [lindex $temp 1]
    lappend channels("[set channel]_[set chanid]") $write 
    return $read
  proc ::zarutian::demultiplexing::setup {incoming_channel} {
    fileevent $incoming_channel [list ::zarutian::demultiplexing::readChan $incoming_channel]
  package provide zarutian.demultiplexing 1.0

 package ifneeded zarutain.multiplexing 1.0 {
   package require zarutian.memchan 1.0
   namespace eval ::zarutian::multiplexing {}

   proc ::zarutian::multiplexing::readChan {channel} {
     variable outgoing_channelsId
     variable outgoing_channelsMainChan
     if {[eof $channel]} {
       puts $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel) "eof [set outgoing_channelsId($channel)]"
       flush $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel)
     set rememberBlocking    [fconfigure $channel -blocking]
     set rememberTranslation [fconfigure $channel -translation]
     fconfigure $channel -blocking 1 -translation binary
     set data [read $channel]
     set length [string bytelength $data]
     fconfigure $channel -blocking $rememberBlocking -translation $rememberTranslation

     puts $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel) "data [set outgoing_channelsId($channel)] $length"
     fconfigure $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel) -encoding binary -translation binary
     puts $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel) $data
     flush $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel)
     fconfigure $outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel) -encoding unicode -translation auto
   proc ::zarutian::multiplexing::addChan {mainchannel chanId channel} {
     variable outgoing_channelsId
     set outgoing_channelsId($channel) $chanId
     set outgoing_channelsMainChan($channel) $mainchannel
     fileevent $channel readable [list ::zarutian::multiplexing::readChan $channel]
   package provide zarutain.multiplexing 1.0

 package ifneeded zarutain.leftShiftingRegister 1.0 {
   package require rechan 1.0
   namespace eval ::zarutian::leftShiftingRegister {}
   proc ::zarutian::leftShiftingRegister::handler args {
     variable states
     variable polynominals
     variable lengths
     set cmd      [lindex $args 0]
     set instance [lindex $args 1]
     if {$cmd == "write"} {
       error "this chanel is only open for reading"
     } elseif {$cmd == "close"} {
       unset states($instance)
       unset polynominals($instance)
       unset lengths($instance)
     } elseif {$cmd == "read"} {
       set reqlength [expr [lindex $args 2] * 8]
       set buffer $states($instance)
       set polyA  [lindex $polynominals($instance) 0]
       set polyB  [lindex $polynominals($instance) 1]
       if {($polyA < 0) || ($polyB <0)} { error "a polynominal is under zero" }
       if {($polyA > $lengths($instance)) || ($polyB > $lengths($instance))} {
         error "a polynominal addresses out of bound for the register"
       if {$polyA == $polyB} { error "the polynominals must not be same" }

       for {} {$reqlength > 0} {incr reqlength -1} { 
         append buffer [XOR [string index $states($instance) $polyA] [string index $states($instance) $polyB]]

       set states($instance) [string range $buffer end-[expr $lengths($instance) +1] end] 
       return [binary format B* $buffer)]
 proc ::zarutian::leftShiftingRegister::XOR {a b} {
  #IS: �etta er bara sanntafla.
  #EN: This is just an truthtable.
  if {$a && $b} {
    return 0
  } elseif {$a && (!$b)} {
    return 1
  } elseif {(!$a) && $b} {
    return 1
  } elseif {(!$a) && (!$b)} {
    return 0
 proc ::zarutian::leftShiftingRegister::new {startingState length polynominal} {
  variable states
  variable polynominals
  variable lengths

  set instance [rechan ::zarutian::leftShiftingRegister::handler 6]

  if {[llength $polynominal] != 2} {
    error "$polynomnial must be two positive numbers"
  set states($instance) $startingState
  set polynominals($instance) $polynominal
  set lengths($instance) $length

  return $instance
 package provide zarutain.leftShiftingRegister 1.0


package ifneeded zarutian.bitSelector 0.1 {

 package require rechan 1.0
 namespace eval ::zarutian::bitSelector {}
 proc ::zarutain::bitSelector::handler args {
  variable channelAs
  variable channelSs
  set cmd  [lindex $args 0]
  set chan [lindex $args 1]
  if{$cmd == "read"} {
    set reqlength [lindex $args 2]
    set rememberChannelConfigurationA [fconfigure $channelAs($chan)]
    set rememberChannelConfigurationB [fconfigure $channelSs($chan)]
    fconfigure $channelAs($chan) -translation binary -encoding binary
    fconfigure $channelSs($chan) -translation binary -encoding binary

    set bufferS [read $channelSs($chan) $reqlength]
    binary scan $bufferS B* bufferS

    set bufferA ""    

    # �a� er �ruglega einhver villa h�r inn� -byrjun-
    #  hef �a� � tilfininguni a� �g �tti ekki a� nota gildi breytunar
    #  temp1 sem index � breytuna byte
    for {set temp2 1} {$temp2 <= $reqlength} {incr temp2} {
      binary scan [read $channelAs($chan) 1] byte
      for {set temp1 1} {$temp1 <= 8} {incr temp1} {
        set temp3 [expr ($temp2 * 8) + $temp1]
        if {[string index $bufferS $temp3]} {
          append bufferA [string index $byte $temp1]
    # �a� er �ruglega einhver villa h�r inn� -lok-

    fconfigure $channelAs($chan) [join $rememberChannelConfigurationA " "]
    fconfigure $channelSs($chan) [join $rememberChannelConfigurationB " "]
    return [binary format B* $bufferA]
  } elseif {$cmd == "write"} {}
  # lesa fyrsta af r�s S einn bita yfir � breytu x
  # ef x er 1 �� lesa einn bita af r�s A yfir � breytu y
  # b�ta y vi� buffer
 proc ::zarutian::bitSelector::new {channelA channelS} {
  # channelA is the victim
  # channelS is the torturer
  variable instances
  if {[info exists instances("[set channelA]_[set channelS]")]} {
    return $instances("[set channelA]_[set channelS]")
  set instance [rechan ::zarutain::bitSelector::handler 6]
  lappend instances $instance
  variable channelAs
  variable channelSs
  set channelAs($instance) $channelA
  set channelSs($instance) $channelS
  return $instance
 package provide zarutian.bitSelector 0.1


comment {

 other possible Tcl Core implementation thoughts

Basic datatypes:

  • boolean (true/false)
  • bytestring (can be any binarydata that can be contained in octects)
  • table (like in Lua)

floating points will be represented as a table containing something like this:

  "type": "float"
  "base": <bytestring treated as an number>
  "exponent": <bytestring treated as an number>


package ifneeded 0.1 {

  proc getCallstack {} {
    set calls [list]
    set me [expr [info level] -1]
    for {set i $me} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
      lappend calls [info level $i]
    return $calls
  proc syncRemoteEval {channel} {
    set calls [getCallstack]

    set cmd [lindex $calls 2]
    set d [info level]
    if {$d > 2} {
      set u2 [lindex $calls 3]
      if {[lindex $u2 0] == "syncRemoteEval"} {
    # info feedback prevention aka dont send back what we recived.
    set ok 1
    foreach call $calls {
      if {[lindex $call 0] == "fileevent_for_synchRemoteEval"} { set ok 0; break }
    if {$ok} { putsAndFlush $channel "callstack [list $calls]" }
    set val {}
    catch {set val [eval $cmd]} res
    if {$res != $val} {
      putsAndFlush $channel "error [list $res]"
    } else {
      putsAndFlush $channel "result [list $res]"
    return -code return $res
  proc fileevent_for_syncRemoteEval {chan} {

  proc putsAndFlush {chan data} {
    catch {
      puts $chan $data
      flush $chan
  package provide 0.1


package ifneed 0.1 {

  # same as above but using execution traces
  package require Tcl 8.4
  proc getCallstack {} {
    set calls [list]
    set me [expr [info level] -1]
    for {set i $me} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
      lappend calls [info level $i]
    return $calls
  proc was_called_anytime_by? {cmdname} {
    set calls [lrange [getCallstack] 1 end]
    foreach call $calls {
      if {[lindex $call 0] == $cmdname} { return 1 }
    return 0
  proc sendToTheOtherEnd {data} {
    global remoteEvalSynch_channel
    catch {
      fconfigure $channel -encoding unicode ; # make sure that the data on the channel is unicode encoded
      puts $remoteEvalSynch_channel $data
      flush $remoteEvalSynch_channel
  proc remoteEvalSynchExecuteCallback args {
    set cmd [lindex $args 0]
    set op  [lindex $args end]
    if {$op == "enter"} {
      if {![was_called_anytime_by? "remoteEvalSynchFileeventCallback"]} {
        sendToTheOtherEnd "start-eval [list $cmd]"
        # sendToTheOtherEnd "start-eval [list $cmd [getCallstack]]"
    } elseif {$op == "leave"} {
      set code   [lindex $args 1]
      set result [lindex $args 2]
      sendToTheOtherEnd "result-update [list $cmd $code $result]"
      # sendToTheOtherEnd "result-update [list $cmd $code $result [getCallstack]]"
  proc remoteEvalSynchFileeventCallback {channel} {
    global buffers
    if {[eof $channel} {
      # for the time being raise an error when channel is eofed by the other end
      error "$channel eofed!"
    fconfigure $channel -encoding unicode ; # make sure that the data on the channel is unicode encoded
    append buffers($channel) [gets $channel]
    if {[info complete $buffers($channel)} {
      set event [lindex $buffers($channel) 0]
      set data  [lindex $buffers($channel) 1]
      if {$event == "start-eval"} {
        set cmd [lindex $data 0]
        # set callstack [lindex $data 1]
        catch {
          eval $cmd
      } elseif {$event == "result-update"} {
        # what should I do with this?
        # fyrst um sinn: check if code is error and error on it
        set cmd    [lindex $data 0]
        set code   [lindex $data 1]
        set result [lindex $data 2]
        # set callstack [lindex $data 3]
        if {$code == "error"} { error "remote-error: $channel [list $cmd] [list $result ]"}
      unset buffers($channel)
  proc remoteEvalSynch {victim channel} {
    # channel must be two way
    fileevent $channel readable [list remoteEvalSynchFileeventCallback $channel]
    trace add execution $victim {enter leave} remoteEvalSynchExecuteCallback
  package provide 0.1


Category Person