
As part of some maxima ramblings, a little script to take a FORTRAN expression, which is used to generate efficiently computed list of function values.

A possible use for this is to generate heavy graphs from mathematica expressions, which can be converted into fortran expressions with the fortran command:


The idea is to have an easy to use C program that calls a little fortran subroutine, and that whole program is invoked by a tcl proc, which also takes care of the combined compilation of the fortran and C function value loop code, and the exec of the resulting executable:

 # Feed this Tcl proc a fortran expression
 proc formake {e} {
   global f
   set t [subst -nocommand {
      subroutine sayhello(x,r)
        real x,r
        r = $e
   set f [open sub.f w]
   puts $f [string trim $t \n]
   close $f
   exec gcc -o fm sub.f main.c -lm
   return [exec fm]

(DKF: Adapted the above to use subst for greater code clarity.) (TV Isn't there a backward compatibility issue with this ?) (DKF: Certainly not if your version of Tcl is less than 10 years old.)

[TV} (apr 6 '05) I've changed the declaration of the reals; I guess this is correct according to the fortran way...

This, or an adapted, C program is needed in the current directory:

 /* This is file: main.c */

 extern void sayhello_(float *, float *);

 int main(argc, argv)
 int argc;
 char *argv[];
   float in, out;
   float x, start, stop, incr;

   if (argc == 1) {
      start = -10.0;
      stop = 10.0;
      incr = 2.0;
   } else exit(-1);
   for (x=start; x<=stop; x+=incr) {
      in = x;
      printf("%f %f\n", x, (float) out);

Calling the formake routine in this case returns a formatted list of 21 X Y values, but it could return more. Of course braces could be added to automatically create a Tcl list as result.

There is nothing against using these methods in Bwise blocks.

Note that this approach assumes running on a linux like or compatible (like maybe cygwin) system, with gcc present with fortran extensions, I tested on RH9, which worked fast.

LV Too bad that critcl couldn't do the FORTRAN compilation...

TV Maybe some day Maxima will on top of a Tk interface also have tcl/expr inteface, or who knowns, maybe somebody has time and vision to replace the LISP based code with tcl code... (wish wish). But Linux and cygwin (for windows) have the gnu compiler which does the job fine and fast.

Category Example