Version 38 of argv

Updated 2004-02-27 15:55:41

This global variable is provided by tclsh and wish mainline code (and NOT the tcl or tk libraries). It gives you the arguments the app was called with as a list, similar to C's argv, but without the app name itself (you get that in ::argv0). We don't need argc as we can always determine [llength $argv].

An example of making use of this variable is:

 #! /usr/local/bin/tclsh
 if { $::argc > 0 } {
        set i 1
        foreach arg $::argv {
                puts "argument $i is $arg"
                incr i
  } else {
        puts "no command line argument passed"

DGP -- It is true that we do not need ::argc, but tclsh and wish and any application embedding Tcl that calls Tcl_Main() provide it anyway.

argv0 describes the name of the top-level script that was invoked via tclsh or wish.

See command options for a discussion of various options one has in parsing the argv (and argv-like) information.

Also, note that [info script] describes the name of the currently executing script and this name even gets set by source. Technically, it is set by Tcl_FSEvalFile(), for those using Tcl's C API.

The command [info nameofexecutable] describes the name of the executing binary, and might be thought more like the C level argv[0].

Some code available that helps process the argv arguments include:

 Where: ftp://ftp.Lehigh.EDU/pub/evap/evap-2.x/evap-2.2.tar.Z
 Description: evaluate_parameters is a Perl program that
        processes command line arguments in a simple consistent manner
        performing type-checking, multi-levels of help, etc.
        generate_tk_program is an auxiliary program which generates
        a Tcl/Tk GUI wrapper around one's Perl or C program to gather
        the command line arguments interactively.
 Updated: 10/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Stephen O. Lidie)
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Tcl only argument parsing code
 Updated: 10/2001
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Juan Carlos Gil Montoro)
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Preprocess arguments before calling RecordAndEval or Eval,
        surrounding the arguments with braces so they won't be sub-evaluated.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Matt DiMeo)
 Description: A general Tcl library of procedures.  Contains code to
        produce man pages from Tcl source, conversions from Tcl to C,
        HTML rendering, generating HTML, handling CGI forms, command line
        argument processing, a debugging message system, an object system,
        and various Tk widgets built with the object system.
 Updated: 10/1998
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Sam Shen)
        mailto:[email protected] (Sam Shen)

Schelte Bron wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup on 2004-02-19: I sometimes use numbers as variable names for a list of arguments like argv in the main script or args inside a proc.

 set i 0; foreach n $argv {set [incr i] $n}

I can then refer to the arguments as $1, $2, etc. just like in sh/ksh/bash.

Tcl syntax help - Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming - Category Argument Processing