Version 0 of awdark ttk theme

Updated 2018-09-01 23:07:45 by bll

awdark ttk theme

bll 2018-9-1: Just thought I would try and create a new theme. Loosely based on adwaita dark. I have learned more about ttk themeing, found issues in my application code related to colors and themes. Uses graphics for the checkbuttons, radiobuttons and the notebook tab top color. Everything else is based on the clam theme.

  • Focus box around notebook tabs is larger.
  • Focus box for checkbuttons and radiobuttons covers both the indicator and the text.
  • Includes helper routines to set the colors for menu, listbox and text.

::ttk::theme::awdark::setMenuColors .menuwidget

Sets the menu colors and also changes any checkbutton and radiobutton types to use thematic images. Side effect: The menu will have -hidemargin set to true.

::ttk::theme::awdark::setTextColors .textwidget

Sets the text widget colors.

::ttk::theme::awdark::setListboxColors .listboxwidget

Sets the listbox widget colors.

For the moment, available at:

The demo code to display the widgets is:

Please post comments in the comp.lang.tcl thread (active 2018-9-1):
