Version 0 of bin2srec

Updated 2006-02-06 14:26:17

# bin2srec.tcl

 # convert a file into s-record format
 #         (with a bare bone GUI)
 # Lino Monaco - Jan 2006
 # _________________________________________

 package require Tk

 # Some parameters with fixed values 
 set recordlen 0x15
 set startaddr 0x2000000 

 proc checksum {record} {
         # Calculate the record checksum
         set chksum [expr [join [regsub -all {[0-9a-fA-f]{2}} $record "0x& "] +]]
         set chksum [expr {~($chksum) & 0x000000FF}]
         return [format "%02X" $chksum]

 proc createS0 {record} {
         # Format the S0 record type
         #         S0<len><0000><data><checksum>
         set rec 0000
         binary scan $record H* record        
         append rec $record
         set len [format "%02X" [expr {[string length $rec] / 2 + 1}]]
         append srec $len $rec 
         append srec [checksum $srec]
         return "S0[string toupper $srec]"

 proc createS3 {addr record} {
         # Format the S3 record type
         #         S3<len><addr><data><checksum>
         set rec [format "%08X" $addr]
         binary scan $record H* record
         append rec $record
         set len [format "%02X" [expr {[string length $rec] / 2 + 1}]]
         append srec $len $rec
         append srec [checksum $srec]
         return "S3[string toupper $srec]"

 proc createS7 {addr} {
         # Format the S7 record type
         #         S7<len><addr><checksum>
         set rec [format "%08X" $addr]
         set len [format "%02X" [expr {[string length $rec] / 2 + 1}]]
         append srec $len $rec
         append srec [checksum $srec]
         return "S7[string toupper $srec]"

 proc bin2srec {} {
         # Open input and output files and
         # executes the conversion

         # Open the input file in binary mode
         set binfname [tk_getOpenFile]
         if {[catch {open $binfname r} binfd]} {
                 tk_messageBox "I cannot open $binfname"
         fconfigure $binfd -translation binary

         # Create the output file adding extension .hex
         set srecfname $binfname.srec
         if {[catch {open $srecfname w} hexfd]} {
                 tk_messageBox "I cannot open $srecfname"

         # Create a srec file with the following parameters:
         #        initial address = 0
         #        s-rec title            = <binfname>
         #         record len                 = <recordlen>
         #        loading address = <startaddr>
         puts $hexfd [createS0 [file tail $binfname]]
         set count 0
         while {! [eof $binfd]} {
                 set record [read $binfd $::recordlen]
                 puts $hexfd [createS3 $count $record]
                 incr count $::recordlen
         puts $hexfd [createS7 $::startaddr]

         # Close files
         close $binfd
         close $hexfd

 proc mainGUI {} {
         # Bare-bone GUI
         #         todo: srec parameters configuration

         # windows title ________________________________________________________
    wm title . "Bin to Srec"

         # main frame construction
         frame .bframe
         label .bframe.lbl  -text "Convert a file in srec format" -width 30
    button .bframe.btn -text "Convert" -width 10 -pady 5 -command {bin2srec}
         eval pack [winfo children .bframe] -side top
    pack .bframe

    # Menu configuration____________________________________________________
    menu .menubar -type menubar
    .menubar add cascade -label File -menu .menubar.file

    #file menu
    menu .menubar.file -tearoff 0

         .menubar.file add command -label Open -underline 1 -command {bin2srec}
    .menubar.file add separator
    .menubar.file add command -label Exit -underline 1 -command {exit}
    #end file menu

         . configure -menu .menubar

         # Various_______________________________________________________________
         focus .bframe
         # Bind console ____________
        #   for windows only
         bind . <F1> {console show}

