Version 11 of command options

Updated 2002-01-31 18:42:52

"command options" suggests several distinct topics:

  • tclsh and wish arguments
  • command-line options (as seen through $::argv) of Tcl-coded applications
  • idioms for parsing variable (args) arguments seen by pure-Tcl procs.

Certain considerations are common to all these, and are convenient to treat here in a unified way.

  • getopts [L1 ] [mildly buggy]
  • clig (command line interpreter generator) [L2 ]
  • Extral's args_parse, cmd_parse, and so on
  • super getopts [L3 ]
  • optcl
  • Laurent Demailly's opt
  • jstools includes an ... [?] package for argument parsing
  • GenParseCmdLine
  • cmdline in tcllib. This is probably the most standard and widely-used of these packages.
  • ::tcl::OptProc is shipped with Tcl, but deprecated.
  • optparse is in 0.4 of tcllib. It's also deprecated, in favor of cmdline. [*Is* it in tcllib0.4? In any case, it's deprecated ...]
  • argp (optional argument parser) parses commandline arguments and optional arguments of procs [L4 ]
  • Doug Simpson posted [L5 ] his "groom" to comp.lang.tcl.
  • There is argument processing code at by jazimmer .
  • Michael Kraus has code in for processing arguments to procedures.
  • The Simple Library [L6 ] includes both a package for command arguments handling including typed arguments (with optional tun-time checking) and options (SimpleProc, [L7 ]) and a very powerful command line options parser with too many features to list here (SimpleOptions, [L8 ]).
  • SNTL at contains code for command line argument processing as well as many other items. It was written by Sam Shen.
  • YAAP is Yet Another Argument Parsing utility and can be found at . It is a template based argument parsing utility inspired by XtGetApplicationResources() .
  • evaluate_parameters at ftp://ftp.Lehigh.EDU/pub/evap/evap-2.x/evap-2.2.tar.Z is a Perl program that processes command line arguments in a simple consistent manner performing type-checking, multi-levels of help, etc. a Tcl/Tk GUI wrapper around one's Perl or C program to gather the command line arguments interactively.

Question: In C, for Tcl, using the newer objc, objv API, how do I parse options? I would have thought people would need to do this all the time, but I can't find anything. Needs to handle args, options, required optional etc. Speed is high on the priority list...

If you can use the Tk library, try Tk_SetOptions and its assorted support functions. It would be nice if something like this were in the Tcl library, for those times when one doesn't have Tk around. If you can't use Tk, consider doing option handling in a Tcl front-end to your C function.

[Many people write their own "... -arg1 val1 -arg2 val2 ..." processing, because it's so easy to use Tcl associative arrays (see "Arrays / Hash Maps") simply as the "optional arguments" section in Tcl Gems does ...]

Here is the start of some code to show at least one method of doing command line parsing. Hopefully people will contribute other samples as appropriate.

 # If this script was executed, and not just "source"'d, handle argv
 if { [string compare [info script] $argv0] == 0} {
      while {[llength $argv] > 0 } { 
         set flag [lindex $argv 0]
         switch -- $flag {
          "-bool" {
                  set bool 1
                  set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
          "-option" {
                  set value [lindex $argv 1]
                  set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]
           default { break }

 foreach file $argv {
    puts "[format "file: %s" $file]"

A quick and dirty way uses one-liners like this:

 if [regexp " -x" $::argv] {# do the X thing} ;# RS

If your values come in pairs (like -option value), I usually use the following code for parsing them:

 foreach {option value} $argument_list {
   switch -glob -- $option {
     -opt*      {set opt $val}
     -otheropt* {set otheropt $val}
     default    {error "Unkown option $option!"}

A related topic: "Syntax parsing in Tcl".

Tcl syntax help - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming