Version 0 of creating zip file archives from tcl with zlib

Updated 2005-12-21 09:10:38

By Artur Trzewik. vfs vfs::zip supports now only read zip archives. I have not found any Tcl library that can create zip archives so I implemented it by myself. Adding writte support to vfs is quite more complicated so I have written it separatelly in XOTcl. The code can be also simple ported to pure Tcl. The zip archive should be the same as generated with WinZip.

    package require XOTcl
    namespace import xotcl::*

    Class ZipArchive
    @ ::ZipArchive idemeta component ZipArchive
    ZipArchive instproc addFile {inputFile fileName} {
        # inputFile - source file to archive
        # fileName - name of file in the archive
        my lappend files $inputFile $fileName
    ZipArchive instproc addToStream {stream fin fout} {
        my instvar written

        set offset $written

        set fdata [open $fin r]
        fconfigure $fdata -encoding binary -translation binary
        set data [read $fdata]
        set datacompresed [string range [::vfs::zip -mode compress $data] 2 end-4]
        close $fdata

        binary scan \x04\x03\x4B\x50 I LFH_SIG
        my writeLong $stream $LFH_SIG

        incr written 4

        my writeShort $stream 20
        # java implementation make 8
        # but tools leafe it 0
        my writeShort $stream 0
        incr written 4

        my writeShort $stream 8
        incr written 2

        # last mod. time and date
        set dosTime [my toDosTime $fin]

        my writeLong $stream $dosTime
        incr written 4

        set crc [::vfs::crc $data]
        set csize [string length $datacompresed]
        set size [string length $data]

        my writeLong $stream $crc
        my writeLong $stream $csize
        my writeLong $stream $size
        incr written 12

        # file name length
        my writeShort $stream [string length $fout]
        incr written 2

        # extra field length
        set extra ""
        my writeShort $stream [string length $extra]
        incr written 2

        # file name
        puts -nonewline $stream $fout
        incr written [string length $fout]

        puts -nonewline $stream $extra
        incr written [string length $extra]

        set dataStart written;
        puts -nonewline $stream $datacompresed
        incr written $csize

        list $offset $dosTime $crc $csize $size
    ZipArchive instproc createFile file {
        set fout [open $file w]
        fconfigure $fout -encoding binary -translation binary
        my createToStream $fout
        close $fout
    ZipArchive instproc createToStream ostream {
        my instvar files cdOffset cdLength written
        set descriptionList [list]
        foreach {fin fout} $files {
            lappend descriptionList [my addToStream $ostream $fin $fout]
        set cdOffset $written

        foreach {fin fout} $files desc $descriptionList {
            foreach {offset dosTime crc csize size} $desc {}
            my writeCentralFileHeader $ostream $fin $fout $offset $dosTime $size $csize $crc

        set cdLength [expr {$written - $cdOffset}]
        # wirte header

        # EOCD 0X06054B50L scan 0X06054B50L %x s set s
        binary scan \x06\x05\x4B\x50 I EOCD
        my writeLong $ostream $EOCD

        # disk numbers
        my writeShort $ostream 0
        my writeShort $ostream 0

        # number of entries
        set filenum [expr {[llength $files]>>1}]
        my writeShort $ostream $filenum
        my writeShort $ostream $filenum

        # length and location of CD
        my writeLong $ostream $cdLength
        my writeLong $ostream $cdOffset

        # zip file comment
        set comment ""
        # comment lenght
        my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $comment]

        puts -nonewline $ostream $comment
    ZipArchive instproc init {} {
        my set files [list]
        package require vfslib
        my instvar cdLength cdOffset written
        set cdLength 0
        set cdOffset 0
        set written 0
    ZipArchive instproc toDosTime file {
        set sec [file mtime $file]

        foreach {year month day hour minute secound} [clock format $sec -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S"] {}

        set value [expr (($year - 1980) << 25) | ($month << 21) | ($day << 16) | ($hour << 11) | ($minute << 5) | ($secound >> 1)]
        return $value
    ZipArchive instproc writeCentralFileHeader {ostream fin fout offset dosTime size csize crc} {
        my instvar written

        # CFH 0X02014B50L
        binary scan \x02\x01\x4B\x50 I CFH_SIG
        my writeLong $ostream $CFH_SIG
        incr written 4

        if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
            # unix
            set pid 5
        } else {
            # windows
            set pid 11
        my writeShort $ostream [expr { (($pid << 8) | 20)}]
        incr written 2

        # version needed to extract
        # general purpose bit flag

        my writeShort $ostream 20
        my writeShort $ostream 8
        incr written 4

        # compression method
        my writeShort $ostream 8
        incr written 2

        # last mod. time and date
        my writeLong $ostream $dosTime
        incr written 4

        # CRC
        # compressed length
        # uncompressed length
        my writeLong $ostream $crc
        my writeLong $ostream $csize
        my writeLong $ostream $size
        incr written 12;

        set comment ""
        set extra ""

        # file name length

        my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $fout]
        incr written 2;

        # extra field length
        my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $extra]
        incr written 2;

        # file comment length
        my writeShort $ostream [string bytelength $comment]
        incr written 2;

        # disk number start
        my writeShort $ostream 0
        incr written 2

        # internal file attributes
        my writeShort $ostream 0
        incr written 2

        # external file attributes
        my writeLong $ostream 0
        incr written 4

        # relative offset of LFH
        my writeLong $ostream $offset
        incr written 4

        # file name
        puts -nonewline $ostream $fout
        incr written [string bytelength $fout]

        # extra field
        puts -nonewline $ostream $extra
        incr written [string bytelength $extra]

        # file comment
        puts -nonewline $ostream $comment
        incr written [string bytelength $comment]
    ZipArchive instproc writeLong {stream short} {
        puts -nonewline $stream [binary format i $short]
    ZipArchive instproc writeShort {stream short} {
        puts -nonewline $stream [binary format s $short]
    ZipArchive proc createZip {zipFile files} {
        set zipArch [my new]
        foreach f $files {
            $zipArch addFile $f [file tail $f]
        $zipArch createFile $zipFile
        $zipArch destroy
    ZipArchive proc testZip {} {
        my createZip {C:/tmp/} {C:/tmp/test.txt C:/tmp/test2.txt C:/tmp/}
        # ZipArchive dumpFile {C:/tmp/}
        # ZipArchive dumpFile {C:/tmp/}


requires vfslib Usage as in class method createZip

   set zipArch [ZipArchive new]
   foreach f $files {
      $zipArch addFile $f [file tail $f]
   $zipArch createFile $zipFile
   $zipArch destroy

--- Category XOTcl Code Category Compression