Version 2 of dgw-package

Updated 2021-08-21 10:13:18 by DDG


dgw package - snit widgets and widget adaptors for standard Tk widgets and the tablelist widget.



The dgw::dgw / dgw-package is just a wrapper package to load all the dgw widgets with one package call. The following packages are loaded via the package require dgw::dgw call.

  1. your numbered item
  • dgw::basegui - framework to build up Tk application, contains as well a few standalone widgets which can be used inside existing Tk applications:
  1. autoscroll - add scrollbars to Tk widgets which appear only when needed.
  2. balloon - add tooltips to Tk widgets
  3. cballoon - add tooltips to canvas tags
  4. center - center toplevel widgets
  5. console - embedded Tcl console for debugging
  6. dlabel - label widget with dynamic fontsize fitting the widget size
  7. labentry - composite widget of label and entry
  8. notebook - ttk::notebook with interactive tab management faciltities
  9. rotext - read only text widget
  10. splash - splash window with image and message faciltites
  11. timer - simple timer to measure execution times
  12. treeview - ttk::treeview widget with sorting facilities
  • dgw::combobox - ttk::combobox with added dropdown list and filtering
  • dgw::sbuttonbar - buttonbar with round image buttons and text labels
  • dgw::seditor - extended text editor widget with toolbar and syntax hilighting
  • dgw::sfinddialog - find and search dialog for instance for text widgets
  • dgw::statusbar - statusbar widget with label for text messages and ttk::progressbar
  • dgw::tvmixins - treeview widget adaptors usable as mixins for the ttk::treeview widget.
  • dgw::txmixins - text widget adaptors usable as mixins for the tk::text widget.

The following widgets must be loaded separately using package dgw::widgetname as they depend on other non-standard packages such as tablelist::tablelist, tdbc::sqlite3 or dgtools::shistory

  • dgw::hyperhelp - help system with hypertext facilitites and table of contents outline (requires dgtools package)
  • dgw::sfilebrowser - snit file browser widget (requires tablelist package)
  • dgw::sqlview - SQLite database browser widget (requires tdbc::sqlite3 package)
  • dgw::tablelist - tablelist widget with a few icons and implemention of icon changes if tree nodes are opened (requires tablelist package)
  • dgw::tlistbox - listbox widget based on tablelist with wrap facilities for multiline text and filtering (requires tablelist package)


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