Version 2 of editRecord

Updated 2006-06-07 12:07:59 by suchenwi

Richard Suchenwirth 2006-06-07 - Here is a Tk dialog that can be used with another simple database to edit a record (a list) by fields. Similar to tk_getOpenFile etc., "" is returned when the user clicked "Cancel", else the current field contents. It is up to the caller to do something useful with the result :^)

 package require Tk

 proc editRecord {title headers fields} {
     set oldfocus [focus]
     set w [toplevel .[clock clicks]]
     wm resizable $w 1 0
     wm title $w $title
     set n 0
     foreach h $headers f $fields {
         label $w.h$n -text $h -anchor e
         [entry $w.e$n -width [string length $f]] insert end $f
         grid $w.h$n $w.e$n -sticky news
         incr n
     button $w.ok -text OK -width 5 -command [list set $w 1]
     button $w.cancel -text Cancel -command [list set $w 0]
     grid $w.ok $w.cancel -pady 5
     grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
     vwait ::$w
     if [set ::$w] { #-- collect the current entry contents
         set n 0
         foreach f $fields {
             lappend res [$w.e$n get]
             incr n
     } else {set res {}}
     destroy $w
     unset ::$w ;#-- clean up the vwait variable
     focus $oldfocus
     return $res

#-- Testing:

 wm withdraw .
 set db {
     {Author Title Year Category}
     {{Shakespeare, William} {Romeo and Juliet} 1767 Theatre}
     {{Puzo, Mario} {The Godfather} 1965 Drama}
     {{Verne, Jules} {Around the world in 80 days} 1862 Adventure}
     {{Sheldon, Sydney} {The other side of midnight} 1967 Mystery}
     {{Mc Cullough, Colleen} Thornbirds 1967 Saga}
 set res [editRecord Edit: [lindex $db 0] [lindex $db 3]]
 #-- If not canceled, "commit" the changes to the database
 if [llength $res] {lset db 3 $res}
 #-- show the current state of the data, to verify changes were applied
 puts [join $db \n]

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