Version 17 of every

Updated 2008-08-22 14:06:10 by dkf

Credit RS with canonicalization of

    proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]}

In the case of a body/script that takes a considerable time fraction of the interval time, the following every is more precise, provided the script under repetitive execution will normally not execute longer than the interval duration:

    proc every {ms body} {after $ms [info level 0]; eval $body}

The after command is set up prior to the script call (RJM).

FPX: Note that the latter may not be a good idea if the body (a) may in fact take longer to execute than the interval, and (b) invokes, at some point, the event loop. In that case, you might want to guard against reentrancy.

RJM: Shouldn't be a serious problem. It will only cause more stack access when any script executes longer than the after interval. It works pretty good for situations where the script has a big execution time standard deviation for each invocation.

Ken: When i ran the code above, it seems it only run when the main event is idle if the main event is busy with a while procedure, it doesn't run. What is a better alternative?

Lars H: Yes, while one event is being processed, no additional events are fetched. This is as it is supposed to be. As for better alternatives... The hardliners would tell you to not use a while loop, but instead unroll it into the event loop as well. See Keep a GUI alive during a long calculation for more on the subject.

Ken: As currently i am trying to code a simulator of wireless sensor nodes running under the background, so what i have to do is create for example 10 nodes and run them all under the background under the event loop. Thus allowing my main tcl interpreter to be responsive or running to user requests. And how to get one node to run under an event loop is it to create a 'proc' and run a ' after' command on it?

 # this every uses a repeats limit and a fixed 1ms inner interval (1 ms is a reliable base rate when small intervals
 #                      are required)
 set _count 0
 set _rep 0
 proc every {ms repeats body} {
    global _count _rep      ;# 'static' variables

    if {$_rep <= 0} {set _rep $repeats}
    if {!$_count} {set _count [expr {$ms ? $ms : 1}]}
    set id [after 1 [info level 0]]   ;# use 1 and count for ms ms
    if {[incr _count -1]} return
    # timed script execute
    if 1 $body
    if {![incr _rep -1]} {after cancel $id}

Perhaps not very elegant compared to the initial version(s). The fixed 1 ms inner time interval shall be more precise in the range until about 20 ms (System, platform dependent - see top of after) - RJM.

RS 2005-05-27: Alternatively, one could put the counter into the script itself, and still use the one-liner every:

 proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]}
 set nmax 3
 every 1000 {puts hello; if {[incr ::nmax -1]<=0} return}

The ability for body to prevent repetition with return is another reason for putting its evaluation in front :^)

DKF: Here's a version of every that can be cancelled too:

 proc every {interval script} {
    global everyIds
    if {$interval eq "cancel"} {
       catch {after cancel $everyIds($script)}
    set everyIds($script) [after $interval [info level 0]]
    uplevel #0 $script

NEM 30 July 2006: And here's one that can be cancelled from within the script too (using break):

 proc every {interval script} {
    global everyIds
    if {$interval eq "cancel"} {
       after cancel $everyIds($script)
    set everyIds($script) [after $interval [info level 0]]
    set rc [catch {uplevel #0 $script} result]
    if {$rc == [catch break]} {
        after cancel $everyIds($script)
        set rc 0
    } elseif {$rc == [catch continue]} {
        # Ignore - just consume the return code
        set rc 0
    # TODO: Need better handling of errorInfo etc...
    return -code $rc $result

Which allows the countdown example to be written as:

 set nmax 3
 every 1000 {
     puts hello
     if {[incr nmax -1] <= 0} { break }

RS 2006-07-31: Hmm yes, but the simple every allows that too, if you just use return:

 proc every {ms body} {eval $body; after $ms [info level 0]}
 set ::nmax 3
 every 1000 {puts hello; if {[incr ::nmax -1]<=0} return}

I prefer not to use implicit global scope, for environment tidyness... :)

NEM Well, implicit global scope is characteristic of other event callbacks, so it seems like the least surprising option. Likewise, having to use return to exit something that isn't a proc seems confusing. I prefer a simple interface to a simple implementation. (Also the simple version has the problem of time drift if you have a long-running script as discussed above).


See also Syncronized timer