Version 11 of examples needed

Updated 2004-04-30 15:32:12

davidw: It would be nice to see at least a simple example included for all Tcl man pages (or at the very least point to another page including an example).

Here is the current state of things:

Files with examples:

 after.n     exec.n       http.n     llength.n   lset.n*  return.n
 array.n     fcopy.n      lappend.n  lrange.n    lsort.n  socket.n
 bgerror.n   fileevent.n  lassign.n  lrepeat.n   open.n   subst.n
 catch.n     foreach.n    lindex.n   lreplace.n  puts.n   switch.n
 encoding.n  gets.n       linsert.n  lsearch.n   read.n

Files without examples:

 Tcl.n       eof.n         glob.n     msgcat.n      rename.n   trace.n
 append.n    error.n       global.n   namespace.n   safe.n     unknown.n
 binary.n    eval.n        history.n  package.n     scan.n     unload.n
 break.n     exit.n        if.n       packagens.n   seek.n     unset.n
 case.n      expr.n        incr.n     pid.n         set.n      update.n
 cd.n        fblocked.n    info.n     pkgMkIndex.n  source.n   uplevel.n
 clock.n     fconfigure.n  interp.n   proc.n        split.n    upvar.n
 close.n     file.n        join.n     pwd.n         string.n   variable.n
 concat.n    filename.n    library.n  re_syntax.n   tcltest.n  vwait.n
 continue.n  flush.n       list.n     regexp.n      tclvars.n  while.n
 dde.n       for.n         load.n     registry.n    tell.n
 dict.n      format.n      memory.n   regsub.n      time.n

These are automatically generated (script below). Some of these do have examples, such as msgcat and tcltest. Others sort of do, but a functional bit of code that runs and demonstrates the command is always welcome.

Exception List: The list of files that really do have (good) examples: binary.n msgcat.n tcltest.n.

and the list of files that describe commands that are too simple to really need examples (or that have them elsewhere): cd.n close.n

Adding an example doesn't take much time, and lots are already available on the wiki. All you have to do is submit a patch to sourceforge. The man page markup looks like this:


 A time server:

 proc Server { channel clientaddr clientport } {
     puts "Connection from $clientaddr registered"
     puts $channel [clock format [clock seconds]]
     close $channel

 socket -server Server 9900
 vwait forever

I used this code to check:

 package require fileutil
 package require struct

 foreach res [fileutil::grep ".SH.*EXAMPLE" [glob *.n]] {
     lappend examplefiles [lindex [split $res :] 0]
 set examplefiles [lsort $examplefiles]

 set allfiles [lsort [glob *.n]]
 set noexamplefiles [lsort [struct::set difference $allfiles $examplefiles]]

 puts "Files with examples: $examplefiles"
 puts ""
 puts "Files without examples: $noexamplefiles"

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