Version 6 of fuse

Updated 2005-03-22 19:32:27 by SEH

Linux has a kernel module called fuse which provides a user file system - basically it's the same as tclvfs but implemented at the linux kernel level. The linux fuse module and utilities can be found at and are required for this tcl package to function.

I (CMcC) have written a tcl interface to fuse version 2.2. A preliminary version can be found here: [L1 ].

Note: the package is written to use tcl8.5 - it won't work with tcl8.4

The package provides a single file system called reflect, which reflects the file system tcl sees to the linux kernel. This is sufficient to export tcl vfs to any process in linux.

This has quite a few uses, giving linux all the vfs that tcl is capable of.

Currently (20 Mar 2005) I have only implemented read facilities. I'll add more capabilities over time.

SEH 22Mar05 -- In case it's not obvious, the combination of fuse and Tcl virtual filesystems is the critical path to total world domination by Tcl. It has the potential to increase ease of development, management and use of computers and software by an order of magnitude. All the complexity represented by acronyms like RPM, pkg, CVS etc. could be stuffed under the hood and rarely thought about by the average user or administrator, thus making Tcl the indispensible tool.

Nice work, Chris, I've been hoping to see a package like this for a while. I hope you continue to improve it.

Category Package