Version 1 of getsBG

Updated 2002-11-14 03:02:35

This can be handy for when you still want to handle other events while trying to read a whole line of input. However I'd be interested to know if there are problems. Every now and then servers I hae made begin to take 100% of the CPU, but none of my callbacks seem to be called (I have debug output pretty much everywhere). This is frustratingly rare and not reproducable by any means I have tried. --Setok

 ## The same as [gets], except that it works when 'chan' is in non-blocking
 ## mode and while waiting for input, the event loop is started. 
 ## By Kristoffer Lawson

 proc getsBG {chan} {
     global tcl-utils::ReadableStatus

     # See that index is unique and does not conflict with other eventReads
     set i 0
     while {[info exists ReadableStatus($chan,$i)]} {
         incr i

     set ReadableStatus($chan,$i) 0
     set oldScript [fileevent $chan readable]

     fileevent $chan readable [list set ::tcl-utils::ReadableStatus($chan,$i) 1]

     set rc -1

     # We continue trying to get data until [gets] returns a complete line.
     set line ""
     while {($rc == -1) && ![eof $chan]} {
         vwait ::tcl-utils::ReadableStatus($chan,$i)
         unset ReadableStatus($chan,$i)
         set rc [gets $chan line]
        #  dputsVar local line

     # dputs 5 "eof chan: [eof $chan]"
     fileevent $chan readable $oldScript

     return $line