Version 5 of gnocl::canvas

Updated 2009-01-23 10:24:47 by wjg

WJG (22/Jan/09) A few lines from the manual give some incation

A canvas displays any number of items, which may be rectangles, circles, lines, text, bezier paths or standard widgets. Items may be manipulated (e.g. moved, scaled, rotated or re-colored) and commands may be associated with items with the bind command. For example, a particular command may be associated with the <button>-event so that the command is invoked whenever a button is pressed with the mouse cursor over an item. This means that items in a canvas can have behaviors defined by the Tcl scripts bound to them. Each canvas item has an integer value as uniq ID, which is returned on item creation. Furthermore each item may be associated with one or more tags. All canvas commands which operate on canvas items accept a tag-or-id-expression. This expression may contain tags or IDs combined with the operators (in descending order) ! (not), & (and), ^ (xor), | (or) and parenthezised subexpressions. E.g. "t1|(t2^t3)" or "!t2".

 # the next line restarts using tclsh \
 exec tclsh "$0" "$@"

 package require Gnocl

 set canv [gnocl::canvas -background white -antialiased 1]
 set coords {10 100 30 60 50 20 110 20 150 60 190 100}
 foreach {x y} $coords {
   $canv create ellipse -coords [list $x $y 3] -centerRadius 1 -tags dots
 $canv create bPath -coords {30 60 curveTo 50 20 110 20 150 60} -outline red -width 2 -tags "path t2"
 $canv create line -coords [lrange $coords 0 5] -fill blue
 $canv create line -coords [lrange $coords 6 11] -fill blue
 $canv create ellipse -coords {70 140 50} -centerRadius 1 -fill "" -outline mediumOrchid -width 3 -dash {16 4}
 $canv create rectangle -coords {90 110 180 180} -fill "blue 0.2" -outline green -width 3
 $canv create text -coords {105 80} -text "gnocl" -font "Utopia 14"
 $canv itemConfigure dots -fill darkgreen 
 $canv itemConfigure "dots|path" -onButtonPress "puts pressed" -onButtonRelease "puts released" 
 gnocl::window -title "Canvas" -child $canv -onDestroy exit


 Produces the following output:

D. McC 2009 Jan 22: Are there things the standard Tk canvas can do that the gnocl canvas can't? If so, what?

RLH -- That would be a good list to make what Gnocl has or hasn't versus Tk.

WJG (23/Jan/09) Straight from the docs. This are the current opts and cmds for the gnocl::canvas widget.



    type: boolean (default: 1)
    Whether the canvas is antialiased. This cannot be changed after creation.


    type: color
    Background color of the canvas.


    type: boolean
    Whether to center the scrolling region in the canvas window when it is
        smaller than the canvas' allocation.


    type: string
    User defined data which can be retrieved via the cget subcommand.


    type: 1
    This sets the focus to the widget. To unset the focus it must be set
        to another widet.


    type: integer
    Height of the widget.


    type: string
    Name of the widget, can be used to set options in an rc file.


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if a mouse button is press inside the widget.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %t        type of event: one of buttonPress, button2Press or button3Press
                %x        x coordinate
                %y        y coordinate
                %b        button number
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask)


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if a mouse button is released inside the widget.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %t        type of event: always buttonRelease
                %x        x coordinate
                %y        y coordinate
                %b        button number
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask)


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if the mouse enters the widget.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %x        x coordinate
                %y        y coordinate
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask)


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if a key is pressed while the widget is having the focus.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %k        key code as integer
                %K        key code as symbol
                %a        unicode unicode character, or the empty string if there is no corresponding character.
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask)


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if a key is released while the widget is having the focus.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %k        key code as integer
                %K        key code as symbol
                %a        unicode unicode character, or the empty string if there is no corresponding character.
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask)


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if the mouse leaves the widget.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %x        x coordinate
                %y        y coordinate
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask)


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if the widget is mapped to the screen, i.e. if it appears on the screen.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name TABLE


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if the mouse is moved inside the widget.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %x        x coordinate
                %y        y coordinate
                %s        state of the buttons and modifiers (bitmask) TABLE


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if the widget resized.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name
                %x        x coordinate
                %y        y coordinate
                %W        new width
                %H        new height


    type: string (default: "")
    Tcl command which is executed if the widget is unmapped, i.e. it disappears from the screen.
        Before evaluation the following percent strings are substituated:
                %w        widget name


    type: float (default: 1.)
    Zoom factor of the canvas.


    type: list-of-four-floats
    Region in which the canvas will then be able to scroll. The view of the canvas is adjusted
        as appropriate to display as much of the new region as possible.


    type: boolean (default: 1)
    Whether or not the item is visible.


    type: integer
    Width of the widget.


id affine tag-or-id-expr list-of-coordinates

    Makes and affine transformation of id. Length of list-of-coordinates must be 6. The new coordinates are calculated by x_new = af[0] * x_old + af[2] * y_old + af[4]; y_new = af[1] * x_old + af[3] * y_old + af[5];

id canvasToWindow list-of-coordinates

    Converts canvas coordinates to window coordinates. This takes scrollRegion and pixelPerUnit into account.

id cget option

    Returns the value for one option. The option may have any of the values accepted by configure.

id configure -option value...

    Configures the widget. Option may have any of the values accepted on creation of the widget.

id create type -option value...

    Create a new item of type type. Type can be one of "line", "rectangle", "ellipse", "image", "bPath", "text", "richText", or "widget". Options are dependent on the type. Returns a numerical id with which this item can be identified. IDs are guaranteed to be unique during the lifetime of a canvas.

id delete

    Deletes the widget and the associated tcl command.

id findItemAt x y

    Returns ID of item at the world coordinates x and y.

id findWithTag tag-or-id-expr

    Returns the IDs of items matching tag-or-id-expr.

id getBounds tag-or-id-expr

    Returns the bounds (x1, y1, x2, y2) that enclose all items with tag-or-id-expr in world coordinates.

id getCurrentSize

    Returns the current size of the widget as list of 4 integer: x coordinate, y coordinate, width and height.

id isMapped

    Returns whether the canvas is mapped.

id itemCommand tag-or-id-expr cmd -option value...

    Calls a subcommand for all items with tag-or-id-expr. The subcommand and the options are dependent on the type of the items.

id itemConfigure tag-or-id-expr -option value...

    Configures all items with tag-or-id-expr. Valid options are dependent on the type of the items.

id itemCget tag-or-id-expr ?option?

    Returns the value of option for tag-or-id-expr. Valid options are dependent on the type of the items.

id itemDelete tag-or-id-expr

    Deletes all items with tag-or-id-expr.

id itemHide tag-or-id-expr

    Hides all items with tag-or-id-expr.

id itemShow tag-or-id-expr

    Shows all items with tag-or-id-expr.

id lower tag-or-id-expr ?level?

    Lowers tag-or-id-expr in the drawing stack. If no level is given, tag-or-id-expr is lowered to the bottom.

id move tag-or-id-expr list-of-coordinates

    Moves tag-or-id-expr. Length of list-of-coordinates must be 2 (delta x and delta y).

id raise tag-or-id-expr ?level?

    Raises tag-or-id-expr in the drawing stack. If no level is given, tag-or-id-expr is raised to the top.

id rotate tag-or-id-expr list-of-coordinates

    Rotates tag-or-id-expr. Length of list-of-coordinates must be 3 (center point and angle).

id scale tag-or-id-expr list-of-coordinates

    Scales tag-or-id-expr. Length of list-of-coordinates must be 3 (center point and scale) or 4 (center point, x scale, and y scale).

id update

    Forces an immediate update and redraw of a canvas. This is not needed by normal applications.

id windowToCanvas list-of-coordinates

    Converts window coordinates to canvas coordinates. This takes scrollRegion and pixelPerUnit into account.

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