Version 0 of handling of ANSI terminals using Expect

Updated 2003-08-25 07:05:57

There are a lot of network devices not supporting a raw mode but only ansi mode. To remove the ANSI sequences use:

proc un_ansi {data} {

  set txt {}
  while {[string length ${data}]} {
    set match { }
    switch -regexp -- ${data} {
      {^\x1b(\[|\(|\))[;?0-9]*[0-9A-Za-z]} {
           regexp -- {^\x1b(\[|\(|\))[;?0-9]*[0-9A-Za-z]} ${data} match
           append txt "\n"
      {^(.+?)\x1b} {
           regexp -- {^(.+?)\x1b} ${data} UNUSED match
           # handle special escape sequences
           regsub -all -- {\\([\\\[\]])} ${match} {\1} raw_match
           append txt ${raw_match}
      {^\x1b} {
           # do nothing
      default {
           set match ${data}
           append txt ${match}
     set data [string range ${data} [string length ${match}] end]

 regsub -all -- "\t+" ${txt} { } txt
 regsub -all -- " +" ${txt} { } txt
 regsub -all -nocase -- "\n+" [string trim ${txt}] "\n" txt
 return ${txt}
