Version 9 of hv3

Updated 2008-02-01 08:28:08 by dk

Html Viewer 3 (hv3) is a powerful yet minimalist web browser that uses Tkhtml3 as a rendering engine and SEE (Simple ECMAScript Engine) [L1 ] to interpret scripts. The application itself is written in Tcl. Currently it is at alpha stage. Please try it out, then report bugs or make suggestions.

Hv3 already has a good level of CSS standards compliance: it is very close to passing the Acid 2 test [L2 ] - in this case it does a much better rendering than my Firefox 2.0.0 browser!

It does pass the acid2 test. If you know of a reason why this is not true, post a bug report.

See also Use Hv3 to view ActiveTcl docs