Version 14 of iGloo

Updated 2010-02-03 11:28:21 by jblz

iGloo is a project to investigate the implications of building Snit's Not Incr Tcl on top of TIP #257: Object Orientation for Tcl. At present it's less a software product than a series of blog posts [L1 ] about the issues I run into and how I solve them. I may make bits of code available as well; if so, they'll be found at [L2 ]. Note, though, that any code I make public is subject to change without notice. -- WHD

Here are the blog posts in sequence:

  • [L3 ] iGloo: A Different Kind of Snit
  • [L4 ] iGloo: The "mymethod" Command
  • [L5 ] iGloo: Delayed Creation
  • [L6 ] iGloo: Type Methods and Type Variables
  • [L7 ] iGloo: Mixing in a Mixin
  • [L8 ] iGloo: Facing the Unknown
  • [L9 ] iGloo: A Dirty Trick
  • [L10 ] iGloo: A Problem with Delayed Creation

A note on the name: A couple of years ago, when Snit was beginning to catch on, there was a time when I seriously thought about changing its name. "iGloo" is my favorite of the names I came up; you can pronounce it "ig-loo" or, alternatively, "I Glue". I pronounce it the first way, but I mean the second. -- WHD

Status: 02/03/2010 [L11 ]

"The "iGloo" project is pretty much defunct. At this point, TclOO lacks two things that Snit needs: hierarchical methods (methods with subcommands, like the text widget's tag command), and direct support for configure/cget options. Of the two, hierarchical methods are the more critical...but Donal's been working on that"...

"Ultimately, I expect that TclOO will mature to the point that Snit is unnecessary, or Snit 3 will be built on TclOO. Unfortunately, as I said in another post, I really need support for hierarchical methods, and it's not there in TclOO yet"...

quoted from WHD (Oct 23 2009)


RLH I am glad you stuck with Snit! ; )

WHD Would just plain "Gloo" (punning on both "Glue" and "OO") be better?

RLH It doesn't screem at me like iGloo does. Snit is better though.