Version 0 of imgop

Updated 2006-11-07 16:45:48

What: imgop

 Description: This library provides a number of routines to operate on
     Tk images and also to call ImageMagick for some basic operations on
     pictures. The library tries to abstract away the difference between
     file (names) and existing Tk images, while always returning Tk images
     ready to be used in your application.  imgop is far from a replacement
     for TclMagick, it has simply grown out of a number of routines that
     I had here and there, in applications where I did not want to link in
     the whole TclMagick.  Note that ImageMagick now comes with an
     ActiveX component, which would offer yet another way to interface
     it, via tcom for example.

        Currently at version 0.0 .
 Updated: 05/2006
 Contact: See web site

See also TclMagick, ActiveX, tcom, EF

Category Package Category Graphics