Version 1 of itclwidgets

Updated 2008-12-28 09:54:16 by wiede

2008-12-26 apw started to try, if it is possible to implement Iwidgets style type widgets with only using itcl-ng by using the ::itcl::extendedclass class types.

I soon found out, that almost all for doing so was there, there were only a view functions to add, to make that work. I would have added these functions sooner or later nevertheless, as they are of general interest.

2008-12-27 ::itcl::widgets::Entryfield and ::itcl::widget::Labeledwidget are running and passing all the tests of the Iwidgets test suite for ::iwidgets::Entryfield and ::iwidgets::Labeledwidget.

itclwidgets has it's package directory at the moment in the itcl-ng module of incr Tcl project in directory itcl subdirectory itclWidgets [L1 ]

Why I am doing that is:

  • improving quality of itcl-ng (more code that tests it's features)
  • I personally don't like the ::itk::Archetype class with all mega widgets depending on it
  • as itclwidgets is implemented right now, it is possible to replace eventually Tk support by ntkWidget support
  • if needed it should be possible to also use ttk widgets
  • I need some of the mega widgets in my Reporting Tools with Tcl project with some added functionality, which was hard to add in the past because of some private methods in iwidgets::Combobox
  • It's a challenge to see what is possible with itcl-ng