Version 1 of mathfunc

Updated 2007-01-16 04:16:37

AMG: TIP 232 [L1 ] creates the ::tcl::mathfunc namespace which contains commands implementing the [expr] math functions. The functions are documented in the mathfunc(n) man page [L2 ]. (Previous to TIP 232, the math functions were documented in expr(n).)

List of functions:

 Absolute value              abs    arg | Hypotenuse length             hypot  x y
 Arc cosine                  acos   arg | Coerce to word-sized integer  int    arg
 Arc sine                    asin   arg | Natural logarithm             log    arg
 Arc tangent                 atan   arg | Base-10 logarithm             log10  arg
 Four-quadrant arc tangent   atan2  y x | Greatest value                max    args
 Coerce to boolean           bool   arg | Least value                   min    args
 Round up to whole number    ceil   arg | Power                         pow    x y
 Cosine                      cos    arg | Random in range (0,1)         rand
 Hyberbolic cosine           cosh   arg | Round to whole number         round  arg
 Coerce to float             double arg | Sine                          sin    arg
 Coerce to integer           entier arg | Hyperbolic sine               sinh   arg
 Exponential                 exp    arg | Square root                   sqrt   arg
 Round down to whole number  floor  arg | Seed random number generator  srand  arg
 Remainder                   fmod   x y | Tangent                       tan    arg
 Coerce to 64-bit integer    wide   arg | Hyperbolic tangent            tanh   arg

Thanks to TIP 232, you can create new functions without having to resort to Tcl_CreateMathFunc(3) [L3 ]. This makes it possible for pure Tcl scripts to extend [expr]. Also this makes it possible to rewrite or delete math functions, two things that were previously impossible even for extensions written in C. (I have written code that needed this functionality; I guess it's time to update it!)

This makes math function arguments much more flexible, just as flexible as those of Tcl procs and commands. One possibility worth noting is variadic numbers of arguments, a feature used by the shiny, new min() and max() functions.

One more neat trick is calling math functions without using [expr]; they're regular Tcl commands now. Combine this with TIP 174 Math Operators as Commands, and you can avoid using [expr] altogether, bypassing the problems discussed at brace your expr-essions.

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