Version 1 of minitree note taking app

Updated 2016-12-22 03:43:54 by 3rdshiftcoder

Hi all-

minitree is an APP created with Tcl/TK, postgres, TkProE, freewrap, tkhtml, PgTCL, and BWidgets. It also uses the postgres extension ltree. The notes are arranged according to a tree hierarchy that is driven by the ltree extension. This app relies heavily on postgres. The upside of that is many Tcler's use postgres. If you know how to set up a postgres DB and tables and can back up your data, then you will have no problem with the manual.

It is a demo version right now. I am making small changes like adding confirmation on delete and a little later I hope to have style-sheet integration for css 2.1 with the tkhtml control. There is a little styling right now because the APP lets the user change the color of the notes.

The app is found at my hobby site- minitree

I will have the demo code uploaded around 12.21.2016 23:30 GMT -5

The licenses are in the pdf manual file for some technology used in the project. This project is freeware. Requirements: linux, postgres skills, (other stuff is packaged with freewrap)
