Version 97 of namespace

Updated 2014-08-14 16:04:57 by pooryorick

namespace upvar, a subcommand of namespace, makes a variable in a namespace an alias for another variable.


namespace children ?namespace? ?pattern?
namespace upvar namespace otherVar myVar ?otherVar myVar ...?
namespace code script
namespace current
namespace delete ?namespace namespace ...?


namespace ensemble option ?arg ...?

namespace upvar links otherVar to myVar, after which any operation on otherVar is identical to the same operation on myVar, and vice versa. otherVar is resolved relative to namespace, and my contain namespace qualifiers. When namespace upvar is used in the context of a namespace, myVar is resolved relative to the current namespace, and always resolves to a namespace variable. When namespace upvar is used in the context of a procedure, myVar is resolved relative to the current stack frame, and resolves to a local variable in the current frame if myVar does not contain namespace qualifiers, or to some namespace variable if it does.

namespace eval namespace arg ?arg ...?

namespace upvar' is a convenience command that doesn't add any functionality not previously available with upvar`. The following are equivalent:

namespace exists namespace

proc listns {{parentns ::}} { set ns ::foo upvar #0 ${ns}::bar boo

output: and

% namespace eval ::test {set foo 1}
set ns ::foo
namespace upvar $ns bar boo

From 8.5 onwards, use this instead:
However, the second form is more efficient at the time the link is made, as it requires less string manipulation and parsing.

DKF: namespace upvar was created to help accelerate Snit. list the variables in a namespace:

list the procs in a namespace:
** See Also **
the primary command for working with namespaces

list the commands in a namespace: