Version 5 of netbeanstcl

Updated 2011-06-01 21:30:59 by dmp

This page is about (the features that should be produced within) an ongoing project of the Google Summer Of Code 2011.

The idea (abstractly): Tcl is available as a plugin for Eclipse, this projects goal is to have the same functionality within netbeans.


Short description

Provided from Proposal: The idea is to create Tcl language support for Netbeans. Including creation of Tcl projects and files, syntax highlighting, running scripts and full debug support.


For details please follow "Tcl Plugin For Netbeans" thread at tcl-gsoc mailing list.

Before the official coding time

28.04.2011: Fossil repository is prepared and we've discussed some implementation ideas already. Currently focusing on Java and Tcl communication using ProcessBuilder (direct tclsh execution) to provide stdin/stdout/stderr and sockets interface for debugging informations. It's important aspect to have such working mechanism before integration with Netbeans API.

8.05.2011: I've been following tutorials from Netbeans Wiki and made first steps with Netbeans API and ANTLR.

15.05.2011: First .nbm file is prepared. Module allows to open .tcl files and provides syntax hilight. Lexer is generated by antlrworks. Used grammar file could be found at antlrgrammar/Tcl.g in project repository.

19.05.2011: Now I'm focusing on improving grammar file (following Arnulf's tips).

Official coding time

Week 1-2: Grammar file and lexer part is still improving.