Version 2 of oauth

Updated 2012-02-23 23:15:18 by zashi

This code borrows heavily from the OAuth domain code for wub by andrewshadoura. I turned it into a Tcl module for just the client side of OAuth authentication.

Put this code in a file called and place it somewhere on the module path of your Tcl installation:

namespace eval oauth {
    package require sha1
    package require base64

    variable secret "" tagstr
    set tagstr 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

    namespace ensemble create -subcommands {secret auth}

proc oauth::secret {str} {
    variable secret $str

proc oauth::random {max} {
    return [expr {entier(rand() * $max)}]

proc oauth::tag {len {pfx ""} {str ""}} {
    variable tagstr
    if {$str eq ""} {set str $tagstr}
    for {set max [string length $str]} {$len > 0} {incr len -1} {
        append pfx [string index $str [random $max]]
    return $pfx

proc oauth::escape {str} {
    set map {}
    foreach c [lsort -unique [regexp -all -inline {[^a-zA-Z0-9._~-]} $str]] {
        lappend map $c [format %%%02X [scan $c %c]]
    return [string map $map $str]

proc oauth::encode {args} {
    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
        set args [lindex $args 0]
    set pairs {}
    foreach {n v} $args {
        lappend pairs [escape $n]=[escape $v]
    return [join $pairs &]

proc oauth::sign {method req provider {tokensecret {}}} {
    variable secret
    # normalize request parameters
    dict unset req oauth_signature
    foreach key [lsort [dict keys $req]] {
        lappend sorted $key [dict get $req $key]
    set query [escape [encode $sorted]]

    lappend secrets [escape $secret]
    lappend secrets [escape $tokensecret]
    set secrets [join $secrets &]

    set url [escape $provider]
    set hmac [::sha1::hmac -bin $secrets "$method&$url&$query"]
    return [base64::encode $hmac]

proc oauth::auth {method url req {secret ""}} {
    dict set req oauth_signature_method HMAC-SHA1
    dict set req oauth_version 1.0
    dict set req oauth_nonce [tag 40]
    dict set req oauth_timestamp [clock seconds]
    dict set req oauth_signature [sign $method $req $url $secret]
    dict for {key val} $req {
        if {[regexp {^oauth_} $key]} {
                lappend list [escape $key]="[escape $val]"

    return "OAuth [join $list {, }]"

See Twitter for a usage example.

zashi: Added the regex that only passes on oauth_ values for header. This fixed an issue I was running into trying to use this with tradeking's API.

If you want to use an API like tradeking, you have to break apart the url. If you want to access then you need to pass to the `oauth auth' command and add the parameters to req: dict set req symbols NTAP.