Version 0 of onInit

Updated 2005-02-24 07:42:10


 # test:
 # --<<snip>>--
 # package require -exact Init 0.1
 # namespace import Init::*
 # onInit -type procedure -proc { puts stderr "Init 1" }
 # onInit -type procedure -proc { puts stderr "Init 2" }
 # onInit -type cleanup -cleanup { puts stderr "Cleanup 1" }
 # onInit -type cleanup -cleanup { puts stderr "cleanup 2" }
 # onInit -type procedure -proc { puts stderr "Init 3" }
 # onInit -type file -filePrefix "bla_" -fileSuffix ".tcl" \
 #         -fileDirs {/home/phaeton/programming/test-src} \
 #         -fileList {_cvs_ _help_ _init_ _proc_decl_}
 # doInit
 # array set pref {}
 # traverse pref
 # parray pref
 # puts "Hit key to continue"
 # gets stdin
 # onInit -type file -filePrefix "bla_" -fileSuffix ".tcl" \
 #         -fileDirs {/home/phaeton/programming/test-src} \
 #         -fileList {_cvs_ _hep_ _ini_ _pro_decl_}
 # reInit
 # array set pref2 {}
 # traverse pref2
 # puts "hit key to view pref"
 # gets stdin
 # parray pref
 # puts "hit key to view pref2"
 # gets stdin
 # parray pref2
 # --<<snap>>--
 # Whether init automatically initializes or not, should
 # be version number dependant. You require 0.1, no auto
 # init, you require 0.2 (which will be default since it
 # has a higher version number) and autoinit takes place.
 ## -- SOC -- Start of Code (searchmark:)
 ## -- namespace mungodjungo
 namespace eval Init {
         namespace export traverse reInit doInit doFinalize onInit reset
 ## let's start it

 variable iState
 variable doneInit 0
 variable iFFound

 array set iFFound {}

 array set iState {}

 ## traverse (array)
 ## traverses init state to array named in array
 proc traverse { arrN } {
     variable iState
     upvar $arrN target
     foreach name [array names iState] {
         set target($name) $iState($name)

 ## --- Interface to set Init actions --
 ## onInit ( args )
 proc onInit { args } {
     variable doneInit
     variable ::initInfo
     set fileSuffix [list]
     set filePrefix [list]
     set fileList   [list]
     set dirList    [list]
     set block      [list]
     set type        ""

     if {$doneInit} {
         puts stderr "Warning: onInit: initialized already, do reInit to see the effect!"
     set numargs [llength $args]
     if {!$numargs} {
         puts stderr "onInit called without arguments!"
     ## if called with -copy, just return the current initInfo
     ## if called with -pop, pop off the last element of the list.
     if {($numargs == 1) } {
         if {[lindex $args 0] == "-copy"} {
             puts stderr "traversing initInfo."
             return $initInfo
         } elseif { [lindex $args 0] == "-pop"} {
             set tmp [lindex $initInfo end]
             set initInfo [lreplace $initInfo end end]
             puts stderr "Popping of initInfo: <$tmp>"
             return $tmp
     for {set i 0} {$i < $numargs} {incr i} {
         set j [expr $i +1]
         set step 0
         switch -glob -- [set cur_arg [lindex $args $i]] {
             "-*"    {
                     switch -glob -- [set cur_arg [string range $cur_arg 1 end]] {
                         "type"  {
                             set data [string tolower [lindex $args $j]]
                             if {!(($data == "cleanup")||($data=="procedure")||($data=="file"))} {
                                 puts stderr "onInit: -$cur_arg <$data>: Cannot recognize \"$data\"!"
                             set type $data
                             incr step
                         "file*" {
                             switch -- $cur_arg {
                                 "fileSuffix"    { set fileSuffix [lindex $args $j]; incr step }
                                 "filePrefix"    { set filePrefix [lindex $args $j]; incr step }
                                 "fileList"      { set fileList  [lindex $args $j]; incr step }
                                 "fileDirs"      { set dirList   [lindex $args $j]; incr step }
                                 default { puts stderr "onInit: Do not recognize file sub opt \"-$cur_arg\"" }
                         "proc" {
                             set block [lindex $args $j] ; incr step
                         "cleanup" {
                             set block [lindex $args $j] ; incr step
                         default     {
                             puts stderr "Unknown option -$cur_arg!"
             default {
                     puts stderr "Unknown argument $cur_arg"
         incr i $step
     if {$type == ""} {
         puts stderr "onInit: lacking type specification!"
     if {$type == "file"} {
         lappend initInfo [list $type [list $filePrefix $fileList $fileSuffix $dirList]]
     } else {
         lappend initInfo [list $type $block]

 ## reInit just does reinitialization
 proc reInit { } {
     variable doneInit
     variable iState
     variable iFFound
     set doneInit 0
     array set iState {}
     array set iFFound {}

 ## reset clears the current state.
 proc reset { } {
     variable ::initInfo
     variable doneInit
     variable iState
     variable iFFound
     set doneInit 0
     array set iState {}
     array set iFFound {}
     unset initInfo

 ## doFinalize reads the global variable initInfo
 ## which can be set by the caller, and searches
 ## for entries named Cleanup, and evaluates them.
 ## This is a special form of the Procedure spec,
 ## which causes the correlated calls to be performed
 ## at reinitialization time, where you may want to
 ## perform cleanups and such.

 proc doFinalize { } {
     variable ::initInfo
     if {![info exists initInfo]} {
         puts stderr "doFinalize([info level [info level]]): No initInfo found!"
     foreach entry $initInfo {
         if {[lindex $entry 0] == "cleanup"} {
             if [catch {uplevel #0 [lindex $entry 1]} errInf] {
                 puts stderr "doFinalize([info level [info level]]): Error in code block!"
                 puts stderr "codeblock was: <<[lindex $entry 1]>>"
                 puts stderr "thrown error: $errInf"

 ## doInit reads the global variable initInfo
 ## which can be set by the caller. Currently
 ## initInfo consists of a simple list:
 ## < <Init-type> <Init-type-info> >,
 ## there can be multiple init-type, init-type-info
 ## tuples, all will be attempted to handled.
 ## current handling works for:
 ## Init-type                Init-type-info
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------
 ## file                                < <prefix> <name(s)> <suffix> <dir(s)> >
 ##         >> Sets in the local state array entries with the filenames
 ##        >> of the files, like banzai/bla.x comes as bla.x into the
 ##        >> array. files following [_]pattern[_] ([] meaning optional)
 ##        >> will be renamed, where the leading underscore gets replaced
 ##        >> with prefix, and the trailing one with suffix.
 ## procedure                < <procedure <arg> [<arg> ..]> >
 ##        >> Calls the listed procedure
 ## cleanup          < valid tcl cmd >
 ##  >> Evaluates each block on global level to perform cleanups
 ##  >> in the underlying program.

 proc doInit { } {
         variable ::initInfo
     variable ::env
         variable doneInit
     variable iState
     variable iFFound
         if {$doneInit} {
                 puts stderr "Warning, reInit ?!"
         if {![info exists initInfo]} {
                 puts stderr " Cannot find initInfo !!! "
         } else {
                 foreach entry $initInfo {
                         switch -- [lindex $entry 0] {
                 "cleanup"   { continue }
                                 "procedure"        { if [catch {uplevel #0 [lindex $entry 1]} errInf] {
                         puts stderr "doInit([info level [info level]]): Error in code block!"
                         puts stderr "codeblock was: <<[lindex $entry 1]>>"
                         puts stderr "thrown error: $errInf"
                                 "file"                {
                                         #puts stderr " -- search for files -- "
                                         set l [lindex $entry 1]
                                         set prefix [lindex $l 0]
                                         set suffix [lindex $l 2]
                                         set names [lindex $l 1]
                                         set dirs [lindex $l 3]
                                         #puts stderr " Prefix: $prefix, Suffix: $suffix."
                                         #puts stderr " Files: $names "
                                         #puts stderr " Dirs: $dirs"
                     foreach fil $names {
                         if {[string index $fil 0] == "_"} { set fil [string replace $fil 0 0 $prefix] }
                         if {[string index $fil end] == "_"} { set fil [string replace $fil end end $suffix] }
                         set iFFound([lindex [file split $fil] end]) 0
                         foreach dir $dirs {
                             set fpath [file join $dir $fil]
                             if {[file exists $fpath] && [file readable $fpath]} {
                                 set fil [lindex [file split $fil] end]
                                 set iState($fil) $fpath
                                 set iFFound($fil) 1
                     if {[lsearch [array get iFFound] 0] != -1} {
                         if {[info exists env(INIT_DEBUG)] && $env(INIT_DEBUG) == 1} {
                             puts stderr " WARNING! Could not find all files. Continue ? \[yn\] "
                             puts stderr " --------------- File status -----------------------"
                             foreach name [array names iFFound] {
                             puts stderr [format "%-40s:........%d" $name $iFFound($name)]
                             puts -nonewline stderr " Choice ? \[yn\] :"
                             set ans [gets stdin]
                             if {$ans == "y"} {
                             puts stderr " You're driving at own risk, continuing... "
                             } else {
                             puts stderr " Exitting (user choice) "
                             exit 1
                         } else {
                             puts stderr " Bang ! Some files not found (set INIT_DEBUG to 1 in your environment "
                             puts stderr " for more information on what files were not found.) Exitting now. "
                             exit 1

                                 default        { puts stderr "Unknown entry $entry!!" }
         set doneInit 1

 ## <<--- closing the namespace mungodjungo
 ## --->>

 ## Do the actual init.
 if {$::dofastinit} {
     package provide Init 0.2
 } else {
     package provide Init 0.1