Version 2 of opt

Updated 2008-11-11 15:05:47 by dkf

Purpose: Option parsing package

 ::tcl::OptParseTest save -4 -pr 23 -libsok SybTcl -nostatics false ch1

 OptProc OptParseTest {
            {subcommand -choice {save print} "sub command"}
            {arg1 3 "some number"}
            {-intflag      7}
            {-weirdflag                    "help string"}
            {-noStatics                    "Not ok to load static packages"}
            {-nestedloading1 true           "OK to load into nested slaves"}
            {-nestedloading2 -boolean true "OK to load into nested slaves"}
            {-libsOK        -choice {Tk SybTcl}
                                      "List of packages that can be loaded"}
            {-precision     -int 12        "Number of digits of precision"}
            {-intval        7               "An integer"}
            {-scale         -float 1.0     "Scale factor"}
            {-zoom          1.0             "Zoom factor"}
            {-arbitrary     foobar          "Arbitrary string"}
            {-random        -string 12   "Random string"}
            {-listval       -list {}       "List value"}
            {-blahflag       -blah abc       "Funny type"}
            {arg2 -boolean "a boolean"}
            {arg3 -choice "ch1 ch2"}
            {?optarg? -list {} "optional argument"}
        } {
            foreach v [info locals] {
                puts stderr [format "%14s : %s" $v [set $v]]

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