Version 6 of paned window

Updated 2002-10-10 03:38:46

Purpose: describe what a paned window is, and where to find some implementations of one.

A paned window is two windows with a bar down the middle, where the bar has a handle for resizing the two windows.

Tcl/Tk 8.4 has a panedwindow, and a spinbox as well as a labelframe. The panedwindow was the result of TIP 41 [L1 ] which proposed a built-in PanedWindow.

BWidgets [L2 ] has a PanedWindow.

ClassyTk [L3 ] has a Paned widget.

obTcl [L4 ] has a paged window widget.

Jeffrey Hobbs' widget package [L5 ] includes a pure-Tcl geometry-manager-like-thing that serves as a paned window.

Iwidgets [L6 ] (based on itk) includes a panedwindow.

Tix [L7 ] has a paned window.

[Does Perl/Tk have a Pane widget?]