Version 0 of pheap

Updated 2009-02-04 11:42:37 by fm

pheap - Priority Queue

A Pairing-heap priority queue in Tcl. The aim is to have an illustration and implementation of the pairing-heap data-structure in a readable and practically usable way. The heap is represented by "pointer-like" connected elements. These elements are kept in an tcl-array 'PH'. Instead of pointers, names are used in Tcl. That leaves the details of the algorithm openly visible and makes it easy to re-implement it later in some more low-level language like Java, C# etc.


package require Tcl 8.5
package require fm::pheap  ? 0.1 ? 
::pheap::pheap   ? -compare ascii|dictionary|numeric|command ?  ? -decreasing ?  ? pheapName ?  
pheapName clear
pheapName contains item ? prioVar ?
pheapName destroy ? name ?
pheapName hasmin  ? itemVar ?  ? prioVar ?
pheapName popmin  ? itemVar ?  ? prioVar ?  
pheapName remove item  ? prioVar ?
pheapName setp item ? prio ?
pheapName size


package require Tcl 8.5
package provide fm::pheap 0.1
# ########################################################################
namespace eval pheap {
    namespace export pheap sort
    variable counter 0
    variable MAX_INT [expr {int((1<<31)-1)}]
# ########################################################################
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::_usage {pref name} {
    return -code error "${pref}: should be \"$name ?-compare ascii|dictionary|numeric|command? ?name?\""
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::cmp-dictionary {a b} {
    if {$a eq $b} { return 0 }
    # need to use lsort to access -dictionary sorting
    set x [lsort -dictionary [list $a $b]]
    if {[lindex $x 0] eq $a} { return -1 }
    return 1
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::cmp-dictionary-decr {a b} {
    if {$a eq $b} { return 0 }
    # need to use lsort to access -dictionary sorting
    set x [lsort -dictionary [list $a $b]]
    if {[lindex $x 0] eq $a} { return 1 }
    return -1
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::cmp-numeric {a b} { expr {($a<$b)?-1:(($a==$b)?0:1)} }
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::cmp-numeric-decr {a b} { expr {($a<$b)?1:(($a==$b)?0:-1)} }
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::cmp-ascii-decr {a b} {
    set x [::string compare $a $b]
    expr {($x<0)?1:($x>0)?-1:0}
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::cmp-userdef-decr {cmp a b} {
    set x [{*}$cmp $a $b]
    expr {($x<0)?1:($x>0)?-1:0}
# ************************************************************************
    ;# ::pheap::pheap  ?-compare ascii|dictionary|numeric|command?
    ;#                 ?-decreasing?   ?pheapName?
    ;# This command creates a new prioqueue object with an associated
    ;# global Tcl command whose name is pheapName, which will be returned.
    ;# If no name is given, some name will be generated using the
    ;# format ::pheap$nr. This command may be used to invoke any of
    ;# defined operations on the priority queue.
    ;# The option -compare selects the comparing function.
    ;# It can be a userdefined command prefix that gets called with
    ;# two priorities appended, or one of the predefined functions:
    ;#  * 'ascii' does 'string compare'
    ;#  * 'dictionary' behaves like 'lsort -dictionary'
    ;#  * 'numeric' uses 'expr {$a<$b}'
    ;# Default is '-compare numeric'.
    ;# To get the inverse comparison you may use the flag -decreasing.
proc pheap::pheap {args} {
    set len [llength $args]
    variable counter
    set id [incr counter]

    set dir increasing
    set cmp numeric
    set cmdName {}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
        switch -- [set opt [lindex $args $i]] {
            -decreasing { set cmp decreasing }
            -compare    { set cmp [lindex $args [incr i]] }
            default {
                if {$i == $len-1} {
                    set cmdName $opt
                } else {
                    _usage "unknown option '$opt'" [lindex [info level 0] 0]
    if {$cmdName eq {}} { set cmdName  ::pheap$id }

    if {[info commands $cmdName] ne ""} {
        error "command \"$cmdName\" already exists, unable to create pheap"

    if {$dir eq "increasing"} {  ;# default
        switch -- $cmp {
            ascii      { set cmp "::string compare" }
            dictionary { set cmp "::pheap::cmp-dictionary" }
            numeric    { set cmp "::pheap::cmp-numeric" }
            default    {  ;# keep user-defined cmp.
    } else {  ;# decreasing
        switch -- $cmp {
            ascii      { set cmp "::pheap::cmp-ascii-decr" }
            dictionary { set cmp "::pheap::cmp-dictionary-decr" }
            numeric    { set cmp "::pheap::cmp-numeric-decr" }
            default    { set cmp [list "::pheap::cmp-userdef-decr" $cmp] }

    # create variables containing the data
    array set ::pheap::ph$id {}
    set ::pheap::root$id     {}
    set ::pheap::cmp$id      $cmp
    set ::pheap::cmdName$id  $cmdName

    # Create the command that represents that object
    set map [dict create]
    dict set map clear        [list ::pheap::clear    $id]
    dict set map contains     [list ::pheap::contains $id]
    dict set map destroy      [list ::pheap::destroy  $id]
    dict set map hasmin       [list ::pheap::hasmin   $id]
    dict set map popmin       [list ::pheap::popmin   $id]
    dict set map remove       [list ::pheap::remove   $id]
   #dict set map set          [list ::pheap::setp     $id]
    dict set map setp         [list ::pheap::setp     $id]
    dict set map size         [list ::pheap::size     $id]

    # Unofficial functions:
    dict set map demote       [list ::pheap::demote   $id]
    dict set map dump         [list ::pheap::dump     $id]
    dict set map get          [list ::pheap::get      $id]
    dict set map id           [list ::pheap::id       $id]
    dict set map index        [list ::pheap::index    $id]
    dict set map insert       [list ::pheap::insert   $id]
   #dict set map isempty      [list ::pheap::isempty  $id]
   #dict set map isfilled     [list ::pheap::isfilled $id]
    dict set map keep         [list ::pheap::keep     $id]
    dict set map merge        [list ::pheap::merge    $id]
    dict set map names        [list ::pheap::names    $id]
    dict set map peek         [list ::pheap::peek     $id]
    dict set map pop          [list ::pheap::pop      $id]
    dict set map priority     [list ::pheap::priority $id]
    dict set map promote      [list ::pheap::promote  $id]
    dict set map root         [list ::pheap::root     $id]
    dict set map top          [list ::pheap::top      $id]
   #dict set map value        [list ::pheap::value    $id]
   #dict set map xx           [list ::pheap::xx       $id]

    namespace ensemble create  -map $map  -command $cmdName
    set cmdName
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::size {id} { array size ::pheap::ph$id }
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Remove all items from this priority queue.
proc pheap::clear {id} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH   ::pheap::root$id root
    unset PH
    array set PH {}
    set root {}
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Return 1 if the selected item is in this priority queue, else 0. 
proc pheap::contains {id a {aCost {}}} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH
    if {[info exists PH($a)]} {
        if {[llength [info level 0]] == 4} {
            upvar $aCost cost
            set cost [lindex $PH($a) 0]
        return 1
    return 0
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Destroy the prioqueue, including its storage space and associated command.
    ;# Example:  $q destroy $q
proc pheap::destroy {id {a {}}} {
    set cmdName [set ::pheap::cmdName$id]
    # If there has been a rename to $cmdName then 'rename $cmdName {}' is wrong.
    if {$a eq {}} { catch {rename $cmdName {}} } else { rename $a {} }
    unset -nocomplain \
         ::pheap::ph$id \
         ::pheap::cmp$id \
         ::pheap::root$id \
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Get or set the priority of the item. If called with one argument,
    ;# it just returns the priority of item. If prio is given, it does a
    ;#     pheapName promote|demote|insert item prio
    ;# depending on whether the item already is in the priority queue and
    ;# whether the new prio is smaller or bigger than before.
    ;# Then prio is returned.
proc pheap::setp {id item {cost {}}} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root  ::pheap::cmp$id cmp
    if {[llength [info level 0]] == 3} { ;# get priority
        if {[info exist PH($item)]} { return [lindex $PH($item) 0] }
        error "*** [set ::pheap::cmdName$id] no such item: $item"
    if {[info exists PH($item)]} {
        set c [{*}$cmp $cost [lindex $PH($item) 0]]
        if {$c < 0} {
            promote $id $item $acost
        } elseif {!$c} {
            lset PH($item) 0 $cost
        } else {
            demote $id $item $acost
    } elseif {$root eq {}} {
        set PH($item) [list $cost {} {} {}]
        set root $item
    } else {
        lassign $PH($root) rcost rchild rprev rnext
        if {[{*}$cmp $cost $rcost] <= 0} { ;# item becomes new root
            lset PH($root) 2 $item
            set PH($item) [list $cost $root {} {}]
            set root $item
        } else {               ;# item becomes first-child of root
            lset PH($root) 1 $item
            set PH($item) [list $cost {} $root $rchild]
            if {$rchild ne {}} { lset PH($rchild) 2 $item }
    set cost
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Robust:  $a need not be in pheap.  (contains)
proc pheap::remove {id a {aCost _}} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root
    if {![info exists PH($a)]} { return 0 }  ;# don't touch anything

    if {[llength [info level 0]] == 4} { upvar $aCost cost }
    if {$a eq $root} { return [popmin $id a cost] }

    lassign $PH($a) cost xchild xprev xnext

    if {$xchild eq {}} {
        if {[lindex $PH($xprev) 1] eq $a} {  ;# .child
            lset PH($xprev) 1 $xnext
        } else {  ;# .next
            lset PH($xprev) 3 $xnext
        if {$xnext ne {}} { lset PH($xnext) 2 $xprev }
    } else {  ;# xchild replaces a
        set xchild [_twoPass $id $xchild]
        lset PH($xchild) 2 $xprev
        lset PH($xchild) 3 $xnext

        if {[lindex $PH($xprev) 1] eq $a} {  ;# .child
            lset PH($xprev) 1 $xchild
        } else {  ;# .next
            lset PH($xprev) 3 $xchild
        if {$xnext ne {}} { lset PH($xnext) 2 $xchild }
    unset PH($a)
    return 1
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Get minimum and its cost and remove it from the heap.
proc pheap::popmin {id {aElem _} {aCost _}} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root
    if {$root eq {}} { return 0 }  ;# don't touch anything

    switch [llength [info level 0]] {
        3 { upvar $aElem x }
        4 { upvar $aElem x  $aCost cost }
    set x $root
    lassign $PH($root) cost rchild rprev rnext
    #assert {[_testMin $id]}

    if {$rchild eq {}} {
        set root {}
    } else {
        set root [_twoPass $id $rchild]
        lset PH($root) 2 {}  ;# .prev
        #assert {[lindex $PH($root) 2] eq {}}; assert {[lindex $PH($root) 3] eq {}}

    unset PH($x)
    return 1
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Return 0 if empty, else set item and prio and return 1.
proc pheap::hasmin {id {item _} {prio _}} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root
    if {$root eq {}} { return 0 }  ;# don't touch anything
    switch [llength [info level 0]] {
        3 { upvar $item x }
        4 { upvar $item x  $prio cost }
    set x $root
    set cost [lindex $PH($root) 0]
    return 1
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Set a new, smaller priority $cost for object $a.
    ;# 'decreaseKey'  := 'decrease cost'
proc pheap::promote {id a acost} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root
    lset PH($a) 0 $acost
    if {$a ne $root} {  ;# Entferne a samt children aus dem heap.
        lassign $PH($a) xcost xchild xprev xnext
        if {$xnext ne {}} { lset PH($xnext) 2 $xprev }
        if {[lindex $PH($xprev) 1] eq $a} {  ;# (.child == a)
            lset PH($xprev) 1 $xnext
        } else {  ;# (.next == a)
            lset PH($xprev) 3 $xnext
        # Bereite '_compLink' vor.
        # Unnötig:  lset PH($a) 2 {}  ;# .prev
        lset PH($a) 3 {}  ;# .next
        # Stecke a ganz oben wieder rein. D.h. 'insert'+berücksichtige Kinder!
        lset PH($root) 3 $a  ;# .next (implicit para for '_compLink')
        ;#      root -  a
        ;#      |    +  |
        ;#      A       B
        set root [_compLink $id $root]
        #assert {[lindex $PH($root) 2] eq {}}; assert {[lindex $PH($root) 3] eq {}}
    set acost
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Set a new, bigger priority $cost for object $a.
    ;# xxx Not tested yet!
proc pheap::demote {id a acost} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root  ::pheap::cmp$id cmp
    lset PH($a) 0 $acost
    lassign $PH($a) mcost mchild mprev mnext

    if {$a eq $root} {
        if {$mchild eq {}} { return $acost }

        set x [_twoPass $id $mchild]  ;# remove siblings
        lassign $PH($x) xcost xchild xprev xnext
        if {[{*}$cmp $acost $xcost] > 0} {
            ;# remove root and insert it with modified cost
            lset PH($root) 1 {}
            set PH($x) [list $xcost $xchild {} $root]
            set root [_compLink $id $x]
            #assert {[lindex $PH($root) 2] eq {}}; assert {[lindex $PH($root) 3] eq {}}
    } else {
        if {$mchild ne {} && [{*}$cmp [lindex $PH($mchild) 0] $acost] < 0} {
            set x [_twoPass $id $mchild]  ;# remove siblings
            lassign $PH($x) xcost xchild xprev xnext
            # remove x (new child of a) and insert it at root
            lset PH($a) 1 {}

            # Stecke x ganz oben als first-child wieder rein.
            # We know:
            #     (root.cost < x.cost)   &&
            #     (root.child ne {})     &&
            #     (root.child ne mchild) &&
            #     (root.child ne x)      
            lassign $PH($root) rcost rchild rprev rnext

            lset PH($root)   1 $x      ;# .child
            lset PH($x)      2 $root   ;# .prev
            lset PH($rchild) 2 $x      ;# .prev
            lset PH($x)      3 $rchild ;# .next
    set acost
# ************************************************************************
proc pheap::insert {id item cost} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::root$id root  ::pheap::cmp$id cmp
    if {$root eq {}} {
        set PH($item) [list $cost {} {} {}]
        set root $item
    } else {
        lassign $PH($root) rcost rchild rprev rnext
        if {[{*}$cmp $cost $rcost] <= 0} { ;# item becomes new root
            lset PH($root) 2 $item
            set PH($item) [list $cost $root {} {}]
            set root $item
        } else {               ;# item becomes first-child of root
            lset PH($root) 1 $item
            set PH($item) [list $cost {} $root $rchild]
            if {$rchild ne {}} { lset PH($rchild) 2 $item }
# ************************************************************************
    ;#                  x -      y - C
    ;#                  |    +   |
    ;#                  A        B
    ;#   -------------------- -------------------
    ;#          (x<=y)               (x>y)
    ;#           x - C                y - C
    ;#           |                    |
    ;#           y - A                x - B
    ;#           |                    |
    ;#           B                    A
proc pheap::_compLink {id x} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH  ::pheap::cmp$id cmp

    lassign $PH($x) xcost xchild xprev xnext
    set y $xnext ;# implicit para, instead of:  assert (xnext=={})
    lassign $PH($y) ycost ychild yprev ynext
    # Beachte:  Durch den 'implicit para' Trick gilt anfangs
    #   ($yprev eq $x) und ($xnext eq $y), aber $xprev kann beliebig sein!
    #   Ich verwende nur ($xnext eq $y)! [D.h. yprev darf Unsinn enthalten]

    if {[{*}$cmp $xcost $ycost] <= 0} {  ;# x bleibt Root.
        set PH($x) [list $xcost $y      $xprev $ynext]
        set PH($y) [list $ycost $ychild $x     $xchild]

        if {$ynext ne {}}  { lset PH($ynext) 2 $x }  ;# C.prev ist jetzt x
        if {$xchild ne {}} { lset PH($xchild) 2 $y } ;# A.prev ist jetzt y
        return $x

    # y wird Root.
    set PH($x) [list $xcost $xchild $y     $ychild]
    set PH($y) [list $ycost $x      $xprev $ynext]

    if {$xprev ne {}} {
        if {[lindex $PH($xprev) 1] eq $x} {      ;# xprev.child ist jetzt y
            lset PH($xprev) 1 $y
        } else {                                 ;# ist jetzt y
            # assert {[lindex $PH($xprev) 3] eq $x}
            lset PH($xprev) 3 $y
    if {$ychild ne {}} { lset PH($ychild) 2 $x } ;# B.prev ist jetzt x
    set y
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Reduce siblings of child x to null and return new child.
    ;#     assert {$x ne {}}
    ;# Uses O(log(n)) amortized time?!
    ;# The real workhorse of the pairing heap.
    ;# Uses "two-pass merging" of siblings until no siblings are left.
    ;#         |
    ;#         x - c1 - c2 - c3 - c4
    ;#         |   |    |    |    |  
    ;#         A   B1   B2   B3   B4
    ;#     -----------------------------
    ;# pass1:
    ;#         |
    ;#         x - c1c2 - c3c4 
    ;#         |    |      |   
    ;#         A   B1B2   B3B4 
    ;#     -----------------------------
    ;# pass2:
    ;#         |
    ;#         xc1c2c3c4
    ;#         |
    ;#         AB1B2B3B4
proc pheap::_twoPass {id x} {
    upvar #0 ::pheap::ph$id PH

    # list:   0=.cost 1=.child 2=.prev
    lassign $PH($x) kcost kchild kprev knext
    if {$knext eq {}} { return $x }

    # pass1:  left-to-right merging pairs of children.
    while {1} {
        lassign $PH($x) xcost xchild xprev xnext
        if {$xnext eq {}} { break }

        set y [_compLink $id $x]
        lassign $PH($y) ycost ychild yprev ynext

        if {$ynext eq {}} { set x $y;  break }
        set x $ynext

    # pass2:  right-to-left merging with the current result.
    while {1} {
        lassign $PH($x) xcost xchild xprev xnext
        if {$xprev eq $kprev} break

        set x [_compLink $id $xprev]
    set x
# ************************************************************************
    ;# Sorts the list.
    ;# Mainly as an example to illustrate pheap and for testing.
proc pheap::sort {alist args} {
    set q [::pheap::pheap {*}$args ::pheap[incr ::pheap::counter]]
    foreach i $alist { $q setp [incr cnt] $i }

    set rval {}
    while {[$q popmin m c]} { lappend rval $c }
    $q destroy
    set rval

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