Version 11 of plink

Updated 2019-07-27 21:15:02 by Jorge

JM 10/13/2018 - plink : a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends

I found the following code for a Poor Man's Expect for windows which runs by driving plink.exe:

        # plink.tcl

        proc waitTime {time} {
        after $time {set a 0 }
        vwait a

        proc openPipe {pipestr} {
        global exePath
        if {[info exists exePath]==0 } {
                set exePath "."
        set currentPath [pwd]
        cd $exePath
        set channel [open "|plink.exe $pipestr" r+]
        cd $currentPath
        fconfigure $channel -block 0 -buffering none -buffersize 1 -encoding utf-8
        fileevent $channel readable [list getEcho $channel]
        return $channel

        proc getEcho {channel} {
        variable ${channel}read
        if [catch {
                set s [read $channel]
                #puts -nonewline $s
                append ${channel}read $s
        } errmsg ] {
                puts stderr "getEcho error := $errmsg"

        proc connect { protocol remoteip username password} {
        set url "-$protocol -l $username -pw $password $remoteip "
        set channel [openPipe $url]

        variable ${channel}read
        set ${channel}read ""
        set timeout 0
        while {1} {
        if {[regexp "#|>" [set ${channel}read]]>0} {
        } elseif {$timeout > 12000} {
                puts stderr "connect $url : timeout "
        waitTime 100
        incr timeout 100

        regsub -nocase -all {\e\[\?\d{1,4}h|\e\[\d{1,2}(;\d{1,2}){0,2}m|\e\(B\e\[m} [set ${channel}read] "" ${channel}read
        puts [set ${channel}read ]
        return $channel

        proc sendCommand {channel str args} {
        variable ${channel}read
        puts -nonewline $channel $str
        puts -nonewline $channel "\r"
        set ${channel}read ""
        set readflush ""
        set timeout 0
        waitTime 100
        if {[llength $args]>0} {
                set m "$args|#|>"

        } else {
                set m "#|>"

        while {1} {
                if {[regexp $m [set ${channel}read]] > 0} {
                } elseif {$timeout>10000} {
                        if {[expr $timeout%3000]==0} {
                        if {$readflush==[set ${channel}read]} {
                                puts "execute command : $str timeout"
                                set readflush [set ${channel}read]
                waitTime 100
                incr timeout 100
        #regsub -nocase -all "~#" [set ${channel}read] "->" ${channel}read ;#?~#????->
        regsub -nocase -all {\e\[\?\d{1,4}h|\e\[\d{1,2}(;\d{1,2}){0,2}m|\e\(B\e\[m} [set ${channel}read] "" ${channel}read
        regsub {.*?\n} [set ${channel}read] "" ${channel}read ;#???????
        if {[llength $args]<1 && [regexp -all {(.*?)(\n)} [set ${channel}read]] >0 } {
                set i 1
                set c ""
                set a [split [set ${channel}read] "\n"]
                foreach x $a {
                        if {$i<[llength $a]} {
                                incr i
                                append c $x "\n"
                set ${channel}read [string trimright $c "\n"]

        # puts [set ${channel}read ]
        return [set ${channel}read]

        proc tclclose {channel} {
        fileevent $channel readable {}
        if [catch {
                exec taskkill /F /IM plink.exe
                #close $channel
        } errmsg ] {
                puts "close plink error : $errmsg"
                return false;

        return true;

        set ch [connect ssh root 123]
        puts [sendCommand $ch "ls -ll"]
        tclclose $ch