Version 5 of proc-local alias

Updated 2006-02-08 09:51:31

Richard Suchenwirth 2006-02-07 - For doing some OO sugar, I needed a way that interp aliases are cleaned up when the proc scope where they were defined is left. Here's my solution with a guard variable, to which an unset trace is tied:

 proc alias {name = args} {
   upvar 1 __$name __$name
   eval [list interp alias {} $name {}] $args
   set __$name ""
   trace var __$name u "interp alias {} $name {} ;#"

 proc test {} {
   alias up = string toupper
   return [up hello],[up world]
 146 % test
 277 % up this
 invalid command name "up"

NEM cautions though that the scope of aliases aren't really proc local, e.g.:

 % proc test2 {} {
     alias up = string toupper
     return [test],[up more]
 % test2
 invalid command name "up"

RS Right. I should better have said "short-lived". But in my use case, accidentally reusing a name is less of a concern - it will be unambiguous handles to objects, for the popular

 $obj method arg arg...

style. My worry was that the alias table would run full, if 10,000s of such were created every hour...

male 2006-02-08: perhabs the code below solves some issues:

 namespace eval ::alias {
         namespace eval cache {

         proc this        {}        [list return [namespace current]];
         proc parent        {}        [list return [namespace parent [this]]];

         proc scope {command args} {
                 return [concat [namespace code $command] $args];

         proc resolve {varName {element ""}} {
                 set varName        [namespace which -variable $varName];

                 if {[array exists $varName] == 1} {
                         set varName        [format {%s(%s)} $varName $element];

                 return $varName;

         variable aliases;
         variable contexts;

         array unset aliases;
         array set aliases [list];

         array unset contexts;
         array set contexts [list];

         proc evalCB {alias args} {
                 variable aliases;
                 variable contexts;

                 # get the current context
                 set context        [lindex [info level -2] 0];

                 # check if an alias in this context is really defined
                 if {[info exists contexts($context.$alias)] == 0} {
                         error "no such defined proc-local alias \"$alias\" in the procedure \"$context\"";

                 # evaluate the alias inside the context
                 return [uplevel 2 $contexts($context.$alias) $args];

         proc deleteCB {context alias} {
                 variable aliases;

                 # remove the definition context from the list of alias definition contexts
                 set aliases($alias)        [lreplace \
                         $aliases($alias) \
                         [set idx [lsearch -exact $aliases($alias) $context] $idx \

                 if {[llength $aliases($alias)] == 0} {
                         unset aliases($alias);
                         unset contexts($context.$alias);

                         interp alias [list] $alias [list];


         proc alias {alias args} {
                 variable aliases;
                 variable contexts;

                 # requesting the proc-local context
                 set context        [lindex [info level -1] 0];

                 # save the context in the list of contexts to prevent an alias deletion
                 # before the last context defining the same alias collapses
                 lappend aliases($alias)        $context;

                 set contexts($context.$alias) $args;

                 # set our deletion "flag"
                 upvar 1 [resolve cache::$alias] deleteFlag;

                 set deleteFlag "";

                 # define the "real" alias
                 eval [list interp alias [list] $alias [list]] [scope evalCB $alias];

                 # activate the alias deletion callback
                 trace add variable deleteFlag unset [scope deleteCB $context $alias];

         namespace export -clear alias;

 namespace import -force ::alias::*;

 # define an alias in test
 proc test {} {
         alias up string toupper
         return [up hello],[up world]

 # define an alias in test2
 # with the same name than in test
 proc test2 {} {
         alias up string toupper
         return [test],[up more]

 # define an alias in test3
 # with the same name than in test and test2,
 # but with a different "meaning"
 proc test3 {} {
         alias up string totitle
         return [test2],[up less]

Here the examples:

 % test;
 % test2;
 % test3;

Category Development