Version 0 of pshook

Updated 2009-05-22 09:07:45 by pshook
    proc genrender {template {var OUT}} {
      set a "append $var \[subst {"
      set b "}]\n\\1\n"
      set c [regsub -all -line {$\s*%\s(.*)} $template $b$a ]
      return $a$c\}\]
    set v 3
    set mjd "Mark J. Dominus"
    set mjdweb ""
    set L [split "ABCD" ""]
    set template {
    You can access variables: $v
    or environment variables: $env(HOME)
    You can call functions and evaluate code inline.
    The list [join $L ", "] has [llength $L] elements.
        [string repeat = [llength $L]]
        [join $L ""]
        [string repeat = [llength $L]]
    % for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $L] } {incr i} {
        elem  L\[$i\] = [lindex $L $i]
    % }
    Append to output
    % for {set i 0} { $i < [llength $L] } {incr i} {
    %   append OUT "  L\[$i\] = " ' [lindex $L $i] '
    % }
    This example is from $mjd at ${mjdweb}
    % set len [llength $L]
    The Lord High Chamberlain has gotten $len things for me this year.
    % set diff [expr { $len - 5 }]
    % set more "more"
    % if { $diff == 0 } {
    %   set more "no"
    % } elseif { $diff < 0 } {
    %   set diff [expr {-$diff}]
    %   set more "fewer"
    % }
    That is $diff $more than he gave me last year.
    proc render {template} {
      uplevel 1 [genrender $template]
    set OUT "For example"
    puts [render $template]

Produces the following output

    For example
    You can access variables: 3
    or environment variables: /home/pshook
    You can call functions and evaluate code inline.
    The list A, B, C, D has 4 elements.
        elem  L[0] = A
        elem  L[1] = B
        elem  L[2] = C
        elem  L[3] = D
    Append to output  L[0] = 'A'  L[1] = 'B'  L[2] = 'C'  L[3] = 'D'
    This example is from Mark J. Dominus at
    The Lord High Chamberlain has gotten 4 things for me this year.
    That is 1 fewer than he gave me last year.