Version 8 of refchan

Updated 2015-04-25 21:40:59 by pooryorick

refchan is the command-handler API of reflected channels.


official reference


DKF: Reflected channels are channels that are implemented in Tcl code. They're also a very new feature.

PT: Here is an implementation of a memchan type memory channel. That is a channel interface to a variable holding some data that you write into it. We can use this in the vfs package to provide various implementations of memchan channels depending upon what packages are loaded into what version of Tcl. It illustrates the necessary construction of a simple reflected channel.

AK Tcllib has a number of examples as well, see keyword reflected channel . The equivalent of this one likely is memchan

proc vfs::memchan {} {
    # Create the channel and obtain a generated channel identifier
    set fd [chan create {read write} [namespace origin memchan_handler]]
    # Initialize the data and seek position
    set ::vfs::_memchan_buf($fd) ""
    set ::vfs::_memchan_pos($fd) 0
    return $fd

proc vfs::memchan_handler {cmd chan args} {
    upvar 1 ::vfs::_memchan_buf($chan) buf
    upvar 1 ::vfs::_memchan_pos($chan) pos
    switch -exact -- $cmd {
        initialize {
            foreach {mode} $args break
            return [list initialize finalize watch read write seek]
        finalize {
            unset buf pos
        seek {
            foreach {offset base} $args break
            switch -exact -- $base {
                current { incr offset $pos }
                end     { incr offset [string length $buf] }
            return [set pos $offset]
        read {
            foreach {count} $args break
            set r [string range $buf $pos [expr {$pos + $count - 1}]]
            incr pos [string length $r]
            return $r
        write {
            foreach {data} $args break
            set count [string length $data]
            if { $pos >= [string length $buf] } {
                append buf $data
            } else {
                set last [expr { $pos + $count - 1 }]
                set buf [string replace $buf $pos $last $data]
            incr pos $count
            return $count
        watch {
            # We are required to implement 'watch' but are doing nothing.
            foreach {eventspec} $args break

Usage is something like:

set chan [vfs::memchan]
puts $chan "data from somewhere"
seek $chan 0
read $chan
close $chan