Version 8 of rlwrap

Updated 2016-12-20 13:55:17 by fr




rlwrap, a wrapper for GNU readline. can be used with an interactive Tcl to provide readline editing and command history functionality.


To use it with tclsh, start tclsh with:

rlwrap tclsh

Useful options are -c (file name completion) and -f (add words from a file to the completion list).

To use rlwrap with tclsh with file name completion type:

rlwrap -c tclsh

It would be nice to have a file of all words used in Tcl: commands and subcommands to set rlwrap up using the -f option.

info commands and info procs could help with that. Maybe there are some *.syn files out there to provide such a database.

RS 2013-11-01: For more convenience, you can put

 alias tclsh='rlwrap -c tclsh8.5'

in your .bashrc or a similar startup file. On Ubuntu, rlwrap can be fetched with apt-get install.

fr 2016-12-20: For vi editor mode add 2 lines to ~.inputrc or /etc/inputrc

set editor-mode vi
set keymap vi