Version 38 of sdx

Updated 2003-02-06 11:50:26

SDX is an application designed to interact with Starkits (previously called scripted documents). The acronym now stands for Starkit Developer eXtension.

  * The homepage is
  * Download spot #1 -
  * Download spot #2 - SDX is in [sdarchive] at

SDX is frequently named sdx.kit on systems where extensions are used to create mappings between files and their interpreters.

Hopefully users of sdx will chime in here with pointers to documentation, examples of use, tricks, techniques, and more. The combination of tclkit and starkits is a very powerful one.

See also Starpacks (previously called Custom TclKits) and Scripted Document Structure.

Main SDX subcommands available for use (see home page for more info):

(Note that online help is available as sdx help and sdx help cmd)

sdx fetch
fetch an http file (try "sdx fetch ")
sdx lsk yourstarkit
List the contents of a starkit
sdx qwrap
a shortcut for "sdx wrap", creating a runnable compressed starkit from a single Tcl script (avoids having to do "mkdir myapp.vfs/bin/main.tcl" etc, manually)
sdx tgz2kit
convert a tar/gz archive to a starkit VFS
sdx unwrap yourstarkit
Extract the contents of a starkit into a file system. Creates a directory with the name [file root starkit].vfs The directory must not already exist.
sdx update
a new way to update starkits, based on starsync
sdx version
calculate "version ID" of a starkit, and report GMT date of newest file inside
sdx wrap skname
Takes the contents of the directory skname.vfs and and creates a starkit with the name skname from it. Be sure to use the -writable flag if you want your starkit to be writable! By default starkits are read-only.

(crc16, pkgIndex, and tree were erroneously listed in an older version of sdx - if your sdx (or sdx.kit) still lists them, then you should download the latest version.)

SDX under Windows and SDX under MacOS

[Does anyone have wiki pages or web URLs of actual examples of using sdx.kit ??]

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