Version 0 of sqlite3 full text search example

Updated 2010-10-21 18:54:57 by JBR

JBR - 20101022 I have been using swish-e and swish++ for a while but they are too slow and don't have very nice incremental index features. Here is a full text search system written in tcl using sqlite3's fts3 virtual tables. I'm a rank novice at sql and implemented the searchrank function as simply as possible so any suggestions are welcome.

The search system in configured with a configuration file similar to swish++.


 set tmp /var/tmp

 stopwords stopwords

 filter *.bz2   bunzip2    -c %f > @%F
 filter *.gz    gunzip     -c %f > @%F
 filter *.Z     uncompress -c %f > @%F

 filter *.doc   catdoc    %f
 filter *.xls   xls2csv   %f
 filter *.ppt   catppt    %f
 filter *.prn   pdftotext %f
 filter *.pdf   pdftotext %f
 filter *.PS    ps2ascii  %f
 filter *.ps    ps2ascii  %f
 filter *.eps   ps2ascii  %f
 filter *.txt   cat       %f

 filter *.htm   lynx -dump %f
 filter *.html  lynx -dump %f

 filter */page/*        cat       %f

 exclude                *.dxf

 exclude                *.exe
 exclude                *.gif *.jpg *.png .jpeg
 exclude                *.mpeg *.mov .avi

 exclude                *.mf1 *.mf2
 exclude                *.sym
 exclude                *.zip

 exclude                *~

 exclude                *.files/

 index-path /data/cgijohn/paige/file
 index-path /data/cgijohn/paige/page
 index-path /data/wdocs/john/idoc-db
 index-path /data/wdocs/dfabricant/www-docs