Version 9 of ssh launcher

Updated 2009-02-25 12:45:04 by RLH

Here is a handy little "afternoon" program that you can use to launch ssh sessions quickly from the system tray. Replace the XFCE-specific `exo-open' command with the command for your desktop environment.

You must have the system tray extension installed.

 #!/usr/bin/env tclsh

 package require Tk
 package require Freedock

 # presets
 set hosts_file ~/.sshlauncher_hosts
 set opener "exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator"

 # create a little tray icon
 proc make_icon {} {

   dockwin .dock
   pack [button .dock.b -text ssh> -padx 0 -pady 0 -font "[font actual Arial] -size 8" -command show_menu]

   menu .menu -tearoff 0 -font "[font actual Arial] -size 8" -bd 1


 # show/hide the menu
 proc show_menu {} {

   if { [winfo ismapped .menu] } {
     .menu unpost
   } else {
     .menu post [winfo rootx .dock] [expr {[winfo rooty .dock] - [winfo reqheight .menu]}]


 # update menu
 proc update_menu {} {
   global hosts opener

   # delete all current entries, then update the menu
   .menu delete 0 last

   .menu add command -label "Add a host" -command add_host
   .menu add separator
   foreach entry [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $hosts] {
     set host [lindex $entry 0]
     set user [lindex $entry 1]
     .menu add command -label $host -command "exec $opener \"ssh [expr {[string length $user] ? "-l $user" : ""}] $host\""


 # show the add-host window
 proc add_host {} {
   global hosts

   # if the window is not already open, open it and lay out using grid
   if { [lsearch [winfo children .] .add] == -1 } {

     toplevel .add -padx 3 -pady 3
     wm title .add "Add a new host"

     label .add.hl -text Host: -font "[font actual Arial] -size 8"
     entry .add.he -bd 1

     label .add.ul -text User: -font "[font actual Arial] -size 8"
     entry .add.ue -bd 1 -width 10

     grid .add.hl .add.he
     grid .add.ul .add.ue
     grid configure .add.hl .add.ul -sticky e
     grid configure .add.he .add.ue -sticky w
     grid columnconfigure . {0 1} -uniform allTheSame

     # create a little save command
     set save_cmd {
       if { [string length [.add.he get]] } {
         lappend hosts [list [.add.he get] [.add.ue get]]
       destroy .add

     bind .add.he <Key-Escape> { destroy .add }
     bind .add.he <Key-Return> $save_cmd

     bind .add.ue <Key-Escape> { destroy .add }
     bind .add.ue <Key-Return> $save_cmd

     focus .add.he



 # load hosts
 proc load_hosts {} {
   global hosts_file hosts

   if { [file exists $hosts_file] } {
     set hosts_fh [open $hosts_file r]
     set hosts [gets $hosts_fh]
     close $hosts_fh
   } else {
     set hosts {}



 # and save hosts
 proc save_hosts {} {
   global hosts_file hosts

   set hosts_fh [open $hosts_file w]
   puts $hosts_fh $hosts
   close $hosts_fh



 # initialize the program
 wm withdraw .

RLH This is a neat little program. Just saying...