Version 2 of stooop sugar

Updated 2009-04-25 17:23:17 by tcleval

Little Sugar for Stooop object system:

it uses some internals of Stooop, but it is necessary coz stoop doesnt export a proc to tell the ancestors of a class. I need sujestions for this little sugar ^^.


proc unknown {cmd args} {

    if {[string index $cmd 0] == "@"} {
        return [stooopSugar $cmd {*}$args]
    } else {
        error "unknown: $cmd $args"


proc stooopSugar {cmd args} {

    set parts [split $cmd .]
    set this  [string range [lindex $parts 0] 1 end]
    set method [lindex $parts 1]

    set class [::stooop::classof $this]

   # first check if it is a class method
   if {[info procs ${class}::${method}] != ""} {
       return [${class}::${method} $this {*}$args]

   # now checks if it is a ancestor method

    set baseClasses $::stooop::fullBases($class)

    foreach class $baseClasses {
        if {[info procs ${class}::${method}] != ""} {
             ${class}::${method} $this {*}$args
        } else {
            error "there is no suck method $method on class $class"




package require stooop 4 ;# load stooop package

namespace import stooop::* ;# and import class, new, ... commands

class shape { ;# base class definition

    proc shape {this x y} {                            ;# base class constructor
        set ($this,x) $x                           ;# data member initialization
        set ($this,y) $y
    proc ~shape {this} {}                               ;# base class destructor
    # pure virtual draw: must be implemented in derived classes
    virtual proc draw {this}
    virtual proc rotate {this angle} {}                 ;# do nothing by default


proc shape::move {this x y} { ;# external member procedure definition

    set ($this,x) $x
    set ($this,y) $y
    draw $this               ;# shape::draw invokes derived class implementation
    puts "and I moved to ($x,$y)"


class triangle { ;# class definition

    proc triangle {this x y} shape {$x $y} {               ;# derived from shape
        # triangle constructor implementation
    proc ~triangle {this} {}
    proc draw {this} {
        # triangle specific implementation
        puts "i am a triangle!!!"
    proc rotate {this angle} {
        # triangle specific implementation


class circle {} ;# empty class definition, procedures are defined outside

proc circle::circle {this x y} shape {$x $y} { ;# derived from shape

    # circle constructor implementation


proc circle::~circle {this} {}

proc circle::draw {this} {

    # circle specific implementation
    puts "I am a circle!!!"


# circle::rotate procedure is a noop, no need to overload

set s new circle 20 20


@$s.move 10 20

set f new triangle 10 20

@$f.move 20 25

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