Version 1 of sudo

Updated 2003-05-08 23:53:47

Googie wrote: Any idea how to get superuser rights by tcl script? It's easy under expect, but I have to do it in clear tcl (without packages). Well? Thanks

What superuser rights are you after? Superuser execute right? Or superuser file access rights?

Have you tried using 'sudo'? The -S option enables reading password on stdin.

You could use this rough code as a basis:

 proc sudo:passwd {pipe} {
   puts "sudo:passwd \[$pipe\]"
   catch {puts $pipe mypass}
   fileevent $pipe writable {}

 proc sudo:read {pipe} {
   puts "sudo:read \[$pipe\]"
   variable $pipe
   upvar  0 $pipe _
   set chars [gets $pipe line]
   puts "  read \[$line\] ($chars chars)"
   append _(stdout) $line\n
   if { [eof $pipe] } {
     puts "  got eof"
     fileevent $pipe readable {}
     fileevent $pipe writable {}
     if { [catch {close $pipe} code] } {
       puts "  Got error closing sudo pipe"
       puts "  \[$::errorCode\] $code"
     } else {
       puts "  Successfully closed sudo pipe"
       puts "  code = \[$code\]"
     set _(done) 1

 proc sudo:run {args} {
   set cmd [eval concat $args]
   puts "cmd = \[$cmd\]"
   set list [concat [list sudo -S] $cmd [list 2>&1]]
   puts "list = \[$list\]"
   if { [catch {open |$list r+} pipe] } {
     puts "\[$::errorCode\] $pipe"
   } else {
     puts "  open returned \[$pipe\]"
     fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking 1
     fileevent  $pipe writable [list sudo:passwd $pipe]
     fileevent  $pipe readable [list sudo:read   $pipe]
   variable $pipe
   upvar  0 $pipe _
   set _(done) 1
   set _(stdout) ""
   set ns [namespace current]
   if { [string equal $ns ::] } { set ns "" }
   return ${ns}::$pipe

   set sudo [sudo:run [list ls -l /root]]
   vwait ${sudo}(done)
   puts "  sudo = \[$sudo\]"
   upvar #0 $sudo array
   parray array

Note you'll have to change 'mypass' in sudo:passwd to whatever your password is.

If you're after superuser rights to read protected files, you could always use 'cat' ...