Version 2 of swaptablelist

Updated 2008-02-08 23:17:40 by MBS

if 0 {


MBS 2008-01-28 For an application that I've been developing at work, I needed some sort of disjointlistbox. The Iwidgets package offers one of these, in the form of disjointlistbox. There was also A little list selector by RS and tklib has swaplist.

None of these were quite right for what my user's were requesting.

I ended up with a combination of swaplist with tablelist.

Sorry, no docs for it at present time. I based a lot of the code on swaplist, so hopefully between the demo code and the docs for both tablelist and swaplist you should get the idea.


I'm sure that it could use some polish, so comments, improvements, etc. are welcome.

Let me know what you think... --Mark

Start of Code Block


 set ::useTestDemo 1 ;# Used to enable the demo code below

 set ::useTile     1 ;# Set this in the calling routine before
                     ;# "package require Swaptablelist" if you
                     ;# want to enable "Tile"

 ############################## Cut Here ##############################

 if {![info exists ::useTile]} {
     set ::useTile 0

 package require Tk

 if {$::useTile} {
     package require tile
     package require Tablelist_tile
 } else {
     package require Tablelist
 package require BWidget
 package require autoscroll

 package provide Swaptablelist 1.0

 namespace eval Swaptablelist {
     variable lTbl
     variable rTbl

     namespace export swaptablelist



 option add *Tablelist.activeStyle        frame
 option add *Tablelist.background        gray98
 option add *Tablelist.stripeBackground        #e0e8f0
 option add *Tablelist.setGrid                yes
 option add *Tablelist.movableColumns        yes
 option add *Tablelist.labelCommand        tablelist::sortByColumn

 option add *Tablelist.Font                "Courier -12"


 proc Swaptablelist::create_tablelist {fr args} {

     array set options {
         -height      0
         -width       0

     Swaptablelist::parseOpts options {\
                            {-title {}} \
                            {-listvariable {}} \
                            {-llistvar {}} {-rlistvar {}} \
                            {-columns {}} \
                            {-lcolumns {}} {-rcolumns {}} \
                            {-height {}} {-width {}} \
                            {-lwidth {}} {-rwidth {}} \
                            {-llabel {}} {-rlabel {}} \
                            {-reorder boolean} \
                            {-geometry {}} \
                            {-lbuttontext {}} {-rbuttontext {}} \
                            {-ubuttontext {}} {-dbuttontext {}}} \

     tablelist::tablelist $fr.tbl \
                  -columns $options(-columns) \
                  -listvariable $options(-listvariable) \
                  -editstartcommand editStartCmd \
                  -editendcommand   editEndCmd \
                  -xscrollcommand "$fr.xs set" \
                  -yscrollcommand "$fr.ys set" \
                  -stretch all \
                  -selectmode extended \
                  -height $options(-height) \
                  -width  $options(-width)

     scrollbar $fr.ys -orient v -command "$fr.tbl yview"
     scrollbar $fr.xs -orient h -command "$fr.tbl xview"

     grid $fr.tbl  -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
     grid $fr.ys   -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns
     grid $fr.xs   -row 2 -column 0 -sticky ew

     grid columnconfigure $fr 0 -weight 1
     grid columnconfigure $fr 1 -weight 0

     grid rowconfigure $fr 0 -weight 1
     grid rowconfigure $fr 1 -weight 0

     update idletasks

     ::autoscroll::autoscroll $fr.ys
     ::autoscroll::autoscroll $fr.xs

     return $fr.tbl

 proc Swaptablelist::create_swap_list {w args} {
     variable lTbl
     variable rTbl

     array set options {
         -reorder 1
         -lbuttontext "<<"
         -rbuttontext ">>"
         -ubuttontext "Move Up"
         -dbuttontext "Move Down"
         -lcolumns    "Left" 
         -rcolumns    "Right"
         -height      0
         -lwidth      0
         -rwidth      0

     Swaptablelist::parseOpts options {\
                            {-title {}} \
                            {-listvariable {}} \
                            {-llistvar {}} {-rlistvar {}} \
                            {-lcolumns {}} {-rcolumns {}} \
                            {-height {}} {-lwidth {}} {-rwidth {}} \
                            {-llabel {}} {-rlabel {}} \
                            {-reorder boolean} \
                            {-geometry {}} \
                            {-lbuttontext {}} {-rbuttontext {}} \
                            {-ubuttontext {}} {-dbuttontext {}}} \

     # Left hand side...
     if {$::useTile} {
         # set lf1 [LabelFrame $w.f1 -text $options(-llabel) -side top ]
         set lf1 [ttk::labelframe $w.f1 -text $options(-llabel) -labelanchor nw]
     } else {
         set lf1 [labelframe $w.f1 -text $options(-llabel) -labelanchor nw]
     #  set f1  [$lf1 getframe]
     set f1  $lf1
     set options(-columns) [Swaptablelist::extract_column $options(-lcolumns)]
     set options(-width)  $options(-lwidth)
     set options(-listvariable)  $options(-llistvar)

     set lTbl($w) [eval [list Swaptablelist::create_tablelist $f1] [array get options]]

     # Right hand side...
     if {$::useTile} {
         # set lf2 [LabelFrame $w.f2 -text $options(-rlabel) -side top ]
         set lf2 [ttk::labelframe $w.f2 -text $options(-rlabel) -labelanchor nw]
     } else {
         set lf2 [labelframe $w.f2 -text $options(-rlabel) -labelanchor nw]
     #  set f2  [$lf2 getframe]
     set f2  $lf2
     set options(-columns) [Swaptablelist::extract_column $options(-rcolumns)]
     set options(-width)  $options(-rwidth)
     set options(-listvariable)  $options(-rlistvar)

     set rTbl($w) [eval [list Swaptablelist::create_tablelist $f2] [array get options]]

     # left/right buttons
     set flr [frame $]
     set width [Swaptablelist::strmin 5 $options(-lbuttontext) $options(-rbuttontext)]

     set olist [list]

     if {$::useTile} {
         ttk::button $flr.left  -width $width -text $options(-lbuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftL $w $olist]
         ttk::button $flr.right -width $width -text $options(-rbuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftR $w $olist]
     } else {
         button $flr.left  -width $width -text $options(-lbuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftL $w $olist]
         button $flr.right -width $width -text $options(-rbuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftR $w $olist]
     grid $flr.right -pady 4
     grid $flr.left  -pady 4
     grid columnconfigure $flr 0 -uniform 1

     # up/down buttons
     set width [Swaptablelist::strmin 3 $options(-ubuttontext) $options(-dbuttontext)]
     set fud [frame $w.ud]

     if {$::useTile} {
         ttk::button $fud.up   -width $width -text $options(-ubuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftUD $w u]
         ttk::button $fud.down -width $width -text $options(-dbuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftUD $w d]
     } else {
         button $fud.up   -width $width -text $options(-ubuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftUD $w u]
         button $fud.down -width $width -text $options(-dbuttontext) \
             -command [list Swaptablelist::ShiftUD $w d]
     pack $fud.up   -side top    -pady 4
     pack $fud.down -side bottom -pady 4

     pack $lf1  -side left -expand yes -fill both
     pack $flr  -side left
     pack $lf2  -side left -expand yes -fill both
     pack $fud  -side left 

     return $w


 proc Swaptablelist::extract_column {colList} {

     set retList [list]
     foreach col $colList {
         set clen [llength $col]
         switch $clen {
             3 {
                 set cWidth [lindex $col 0]
                 set cName  [lindex $col 1]
                 set cJust  [lindex $col 2]

             2 {
                 set cWidth 0
                 set cName  [lindex $col 0]
                 set cJust  [lindex $col 1]

             1 {
                 set cWidth 0
                 set cName  $col
                 set cJust  left

             default {
                 set cWidth 0
                 set cName  unknown
                 set cJust  left
         lappend retList $cWidth $cName $cJust

     return $retList

 # return the min unless string1 or string2 is longer, if so return 
 # length of the longer one
 proc Swaptablelist::strmin {min s1 s2} {
     if {[string length $s1] > $min || [string length $s2] > $min} {
         return [expr {
                 ([string length $s1] > [string length $s2]) \
                 ? [string length $s1] \
                 : [string length $s2]
     } else {
         return $min

 proc Swaptablelist::parseOpts {var opts input} {
     upvar $var output

     for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $input]} {incr i} {
         for {set a 0} {$a < [llength $opts]} {incr a} {
             if {[lindex $opts $a 0] == [lindex $input $i]} { break }
         if {$a == [llength $opts]} { error "unknown option [lindex $input $i]" }
         set opt [lindex $opts $a]
         if {[llength $opt] > 1} {
             foreach {opt type} $opt {break}
             if {[incr i] >= [llength $input]} { error "$opt requires an argument" }
             if {$type != "" && ![string is $type -strict [lindex $input $i]]} { 
                 error "$opt requires argument of type $type" 
             set output($opt) [lindex $input $i]
         } else {
             set output($opt) {}

 proc editStartCmd {tbl row col text} {
     set w [$tbl editwinpath]

     return $text

 proc editEndCmd {tbl row col text} {
     return $text


 proc Swaptablelist::ShiftR {w lst} {
     variable lTbl
     variable rTbl

     foreach sel [$lTbl($w) curselection] {
         set rList [list]
         for {set colNo 0} {$colNo < [$rTbl($w) columncount]} {incr colNo} {
             set lNdx [$lTbl($w) columnindex [$rTbl($w) columncget $colNo -name]]
             lappend rList $colNo [$lTbl($w) cellcget $sel,$lNdx -text]
         Swaptablelist::insertR $w $rList

 proc Swaptablelist::insertR {w lst} {
     variable rTbl

     set tbLen [llength [$rTbl($w) getkeys 0 end]]

     if {$tbLen == 0} {
         set nLst  [list]
         foreach {cNum valL} $lst {
             lappend nLst $valL
         $rTbl($w) insert end $nLst

     } else {

         set found 0
         foreach k [$rTbl($w) getkeys 0 end] {
             set ndiff 0
             foreach {cNum valL} $lst {
                 set valT  [$rTbl($w) cellcget $k,$cNum -text]
                 if {$valT ne $valL} {
                     incr ndiff

             if {$ndiff == 0} {
                 set found 1

         if {$found == 0} {
             set nLst  [list]
             foreach {cNum valL} $lst {
                 lappend nLst $valL
             $rTbl($w) insert end $nLst

 proc Swaptablelist::insert {tbl lst} {

     set tblCols [$tbl columncount]

     foreach item $lst {
         if {[llength $item] <= $tblCols} {
             $tbl insert end $item
         } else {
             set nLst [list]
             foreach it $item {
                 lappend nLst $it
             while {[llength $nLst] < $tblCols} {
                 lappend nLst " "
             foreach it $nLst {
                 $tbl insert end $it

 proc Swaptablelist::ShiftL {w lst} {
     variable rTbl

     $rTbl($w) delete [$rTbl($w) curselection]
     Swaptablelist::renumberWhenIdle $rTbl($w)

 proc Swaptablelist::ShiftUD {w dir} {
     variable rTbl

     if {[set sel [$rTbl($w) curselection]] == ""} { return }

     set list {}
     # delete in reverse order so shifting indexes dont bite us
     foreach x [Swaptablelist::lreverse $sel] {
         # make a list in correct order with the items index and contents
         set list [linsert $list 0 [list $x [$rTbl($w) get $x]]]
         $rTbl($w) delete $x
     if {$dir == "u"} {
         set n 0
         foreach x $list {
             set i [lindex $x 0]
             if {[incr i -1] < $n} {set i $n}
             $rTbl($w) insert $i [lindex $x 1]
             $rTbl($w) selection set $i
             incr n
         $rTbl($w) see [expr {[lindex $list 0 0] - 1}]
     if {$dir == "d"} {
         set n [$rTbl($w) index end]
         foreach x $list {
             set i [lindex $x 0]
             if {[incr i] > $n} {set i $n}
             $rTbl($w) insert $i [lindex $x 1]
             $rTbl($w) selection set $i
             incr n
         $rTbl($w) see $i

 proc Swaptablelist::getLTable {swl} {
     variable lTbl
     return $Swaptablelist::lTbl($swl)

 proc Swaptablelist::getRTable {swl} {
     variable rTbl
     return $Swaptablelist::rTbl($swl)

 proc Swaptablelist::renumberWhenIdle tbl { 
     if {[$tbl attrib afterId] eq ""} { 
         $tbl attrib afterId [after idle [list Swaptablelist::renumber $tbl]] 

 proc Swaptablelist::renumber {tbl} { 
     $tbl attrib afterId "" 

     set itemList [$tbl get 0 end] 
     set nCol [$tbl columncount]

     $tbl delete 0 end 

     foreach item $itemList { 
         set rList [list]
         for {set colNo 0} {$colNo < $nCol} {incr colNo} {
             lappend rList [lindex $item $colNo]
         $tbl insert end $rList

 # return a list in reversed order
 proc Swaptablelist::lreverse {list} {
     set new {}
     foreach x $list {set new [linsert $new 0 $x]}
     return $new

if 0 {

Test Code

Here is some test code


 # test ...

 if {$::useTestDemo} {

     set ::useTile    1

     package require Tk
     package require BWidget
     package require Swaptablelist 1.0

     proc main { } {
         set_Theme xpnative

     proc set_Theme { th } {
         if {$::tcl_version <= 8.4} {
             tile::setTheme $th
         } else {
             ttk::style theme use $th

     proc interface { } {

         set w .
         wm withdraw $w
         wm title $w "Test swapTableList"
         wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit

         set descmenu {
             "&File" all file 0 {
                 {command "Show Local" {} "Show local list" {}  -command show_local}
                 {command "E&xit"      {} "Exit program"    {}  -command exit}
             "&Theme" all theme 0 {
                 {radiobutton "Default"   {} "default"     {}  -command {set_Theme default}}
                 {radiobutton "Classic"   {} "classic"     {}  -command {set_Theme classic}}
                 {radiobutton "Clam"      {} "clam"        {}  -command {set_Theme clam}}
                 {radiobutton "Step"      {} "step"        {}  -command {set_Theme step}}
                 {radiobutton "alt"       {} "alt"         {}  -command {set_Theme alt}}
                 {radiobutton "winnative" {} "Win native"  {}  -command {set_Theme winnative}}
                 {radiobutton "xpnative"  {} "XP native"   {}  -command {set_Theme xpnative}}

         set mainframe [MainFrame .mainframe \
                            -menu         $descmenu \
                            -textvariable ::glob_var(status) \
                            -progressvar  ::glob_var(progressvar) \
                            -progressmax  100 \
                            -progresstype normal \
                            -progressfg blue ]

         $mainframe showstatusbar status    
         $mainframe addindicator -text "version 0.0"

         set mf [$mainframe getframe]

         build_swtl $mf

         pack $mainframe -fill both -expand yes

         update idletasks

         set x [expr {[winfo screenwidth $w]/2  - [winfo reqwidth $w]/2  - [winfo vrootx $w]}]
         set y [expr {[winfo screenheight $w]/2 - [winfo reqheight $w]/2 - [winfo vrooty $w]}]
         wm geometry $w +$x+$y

         raise $w
         wm deiconify $w

     proc build_swtl { fr } {

         set ::glob_var(list,displayed) 0

         set ::glob_var(masterList) [list ]
         set ::glob_var(local)      [list ]

         set ::glob_var(masterList) {
             {1  MP1  "one"}
             {2  MP2  "two"}
             {3  MP3  "three"}
             {4  MP4  "four"}
             {5  MP5  "five"}
             {6  MP6  "six"}
             {7  MP7  "seven"}
             {8  MP8  "eight"}
             {9  MP9  "nine"}
             {10 MP10 "ten"}

         array set ::options {
             -title  "Testing swapTablelist"
             -llabel "Master List"
             -rlabel "Local List"
             -lcolumns {
                 {5  "Index"             center }
                 {15 "MissionPoint ID"   left   } 
                 {40 "Description"       left   } 
             -rcolumns {
                 {5  "Index"             center }
                 {15 "MissionPoint ID"   left   } 
             -height 20
             -lwidth 0
             -rwidth 0
             -llistvar ::glob_var(masterList)
             -rlistvar ::glob_var(localList)

         set f2 [frame $fr.f2]
         set ::swl [eval [list Swaptablelist::create_swap_list $f2] [array get ::options]]
         pack $f2

         set tbl [Swaptablelist::getLTable $::swl]
         $tbl columnconfigure 0 -name col_index  -editable no -sortmode integer
         $tbl columnconfigure 1 -name col_mpID   -editable no -sortmode dictionary
         $tbl columnconfigure 2 -name col_desc   -editable no -sortmode dictionary

         set tbl [Swaptablelist::getRTable $::swl]
         $tbl columnconfigure 0 -name col_index  -editable no -sortmode integer
         $tbl columnconfigure 1 -name col_mpID   -editable no -sortmode dictionary


     proc show_local { } {
         puts "Local list : "
         puts $::glob_var(localList)

 proc fill { } {

     # Old code : Not used in the demo any more, but I left
     # it in "just in case"...

     if {$::glob_var(list,displayed)} {
     set tbl [Swaptablelist::getLTable $::swl]

     set mpList {
         {1  MP1  "one"}
         {2  MP2  "two"}
         {3  MP3  "three"}
         {4  MP4  "four"}
         {5  MP5  "five"}
         {6  MP6  "six"}
         {7  MP7  "seven"}
         {8  MP8  "eight"}
         {9  MP9  "nine"}
         {10 MP10 "ten"}

     Swaptablelist::insert $tbl $mpList

     set ::glob_var(list,displayed) 1

