Version 0 of taccle

Updated 2004-05-12 16:40:11

taccle is a complement to fickle in that it reads a taccle specification file to generate working LALR(1) parser. In other words, it is to Tcl what yacc (or bison) is to C/C++. taccle differs from yeti in that the grammar is written before hand as a straight text file rather than generated by procedure calls.

taccle spec files are structured nearly identical to those used by yacc. The following example may be interpreted equally by the two:

  %token A R


  start: x | y R;

  x: A R;
  y: A;

Incidentally both yacc and taccle would recognize the shift/reduce conflict above. (This example blantantly stolen from chapter 8 of lex & yacc[L1 ].)

(More to come)