Version 9 of tcc4tcl

Updated 2019-03-08 01:49:28 by AMG

tcc4tcl (Tiny C Compiler for Tcl) is a Tcl extension that provides an interface to TCC.

It is a fork of tcltcc by Mark Janssen.

It is licensed under the terms of the LGPL v2.1 (or later).


AMG: The current version of tcc4tcl (0.30) directly includes a patched copy of tcc 0.9.26 from early 2013. The latest version of tcc is 0.9.27 from late 2017. I would very much like to upgrade to 0.9.27 because of the many improvements, but doing so breaks virtually all the tcc patches found in [L1 ].

dbohdan 2015-03-16: As of version 0.23 you can compile tcc4tcl on Linux thus:

set -e
curl "$url" -o "${release}.tar.gz" # -O may not be unavailable.
tar zxvf "$release.tar.gz"
cd $release

dbohdan: Updated the script once more to hammer Roy Keene's server less.