Version 0 of tcl-digraphs.el GNU Emacs minor mode

Updated 2019-08-16 11:12:41 by m7j4k9
;;; tcl-digraphs.el --- Emacs Minor Mode for Tcl script files

;; Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 Michael Kaelbling, SIEMENS AG.

;; Author: Michael Kaelbling <[email protected]>
;; Author: Peter Spjuth   peter dot spjuth at gmail dot com
;; Keywords: Tcl, Tcl/Tk, digraph, keyboard shortcut
;; Version: 3.5

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.

;;; Code:

(defgroup tcl-digraphs nil
  "Customizations for tcl-digraphs."
  :group 'tcl)

(defcustom tcl-digraph-prefix ";"
  "*Prefix key"
  :type 'string
  :group 'tcl-digraphs)

(defun tcl--insert (prefix suffix n)
  "Insert text before and after the active-region or point.

PREFIX is the text to precede the active-region or point.
SUFFIX is the text to follow the active-region or point.
N is the number of characters to back-up after inserting SUFFIX."
  (let ((beg (if (region-active-p) (region-beginning) (point)))
        (end (+ (if (region-active-p) (region-end) (point))
                (length prefix))))
    (when prefix (goto-char beg) (insert prefix))
    (when suffix (goto-char end) (insert suffix))
    (when n (backward-char n))))

(defun lambda-key (keymap key def)
  "Workaround `define-key' to provide documentation."
  (set 'sym (make-symbol (documentation def)))
  (fset sym def)
  (define-key keymap key sym))

(defconst tcl-digraph-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (lambda-key map [t]
                '(lambda () "insert unmapped key"
                   (interactive "*")
                   (if (eq last-input-event 'delete)
                     (insert tcl-digraph-prefix)
                     (if (not (eq last-input-event 'escape))
                         (add-to-list 'unread-command-events
    (define-key map "#" 'comment-dwim)
    (lambda-key map "," '(lambda () "insert } {"
                           (interactive "*") (insert "} {")))
    (lambda-key map "/" '(lambda (P) "append splice"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (move-end-of-line 1)
                           (if (not P) (just-one-space))
                           (insert "\\") (newline)))
    (lambda-key map ";" '(lambda () "insert \\;"
                           (interactive "*") (insert "\\;")))
    (lambda-key map "[" '(lambda () "insert command-quote []"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "[" "]" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "]" '(lambda () "append command-quote []"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (move-end-of-line 1) (just-one-space)
                           (insert "[]") (backward-char 1)))
    (lambda-key map "?" '(lambda () "describe minor mode"
    (lambda-key map "a" '(lambda (P) "insert $args"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (insert (if P "{*}$args" "$args"))))
    (lambda-key map "b" '(lambda () "append a block-quote {}"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (move-end-of-line 1) (just-one-space)
                           (insert "{}") (backward-char 1)))
    (lambda-key map "c" '(lambda () "insert command-quote []"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "[" "]" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "d" '(lambda (P) "insert dereference $"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (if P (tcl--insert "${" "}" 1)
                             (insert "$"))))
    (lambda-key map "e" '(lambda () "append 'else' { § }"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (move-end-of-line 1) (just-one-space)
                           (insert "else {}") (backward-char 1)
                           (newline) (tcl-indent-command)
                           (move-beginning-of-line 1)
                           (open-line 1) (tcl-indent-command)))
    (lambda-key map "f" '(lambda () "append 'elseif' {}"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (move-end-of-line 1) (just-one-space)
                           (insert "elseif {}") (backward-char 1)))
    (lambda-key map "h" '(lambda (P c) "insert HTML entity"
                           (interactive "*P\nc")
                            ((and (>= c 0) (< c 32))
                             (insert (format "[&x24%02X]" c)))
                            ((= c 32) (insert (if P "[&x2420]"
                                                "[&nbsp]"))) ;␠SP
                            ((= c 34) (insert "[&quot]"))
                            ((= c 38) (insert "[&amp]"))
                            ((= c 39) (insert "[&apos]"))
                            ((= c ?-) (insert "[&shy]"))   ;soft-
                            ((= c ?<) (insert "[&lt]"))
                            ((= c ?>) (insert "[&gt]"))
                            ((= c ?B) (insert "[&x2422]")) ;␢/b
                            ((= c ?b) (insert "[&x2423]")) ;␣
                            ((= c ?h) (insert "[&hellip]"))
                            ((= c ?n) (insert "[&x2424]")) ;␤NL
                            ((= c ?p) (insert 182))        ;¶
                            ((= c ?s) (insert 167))        ;§
                            ((= c ?|) (insert 166))        ;¦
                            ((= c 127) (insert "[&x2421]"));␡DEL
                            (t (insert (format "[&%d]" c))))))
    (lambda-key map "n" '(lambda () "insert 'not-parens' !()"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "!(" ")" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "o" '(lambda () "insert open { § }"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (insert "{}") (backward-char 1)
                           (newline) (tcl-indent-command)
                           (move-beginning-of-line 1)
                           (open-line 1) (tcl-indent-command)))
    (lambda-key map "p" '(lambda () "insert parentheses ()"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "(" ")" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "q" '(lambda () "insert quotes \"\""
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "\"" "\"" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "s" '(lambda (P) "insert [set ]"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (if P (insert "$")
                             (tcl--insert "[set " "]" 1))))
    (lambda-key map "t" '(lambda () "append 'then' { § }"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (move-end-of-line 1) (just-one-space)
                           (insert "{}") (backward-char 1)
                           (newline) (tcl-indent-command)
                           (move-beginning-of-line 1)
                           (open-line 1) (tcl-indent-command)))
    (lambda-key map "u" '(lambda (P) "insert an until block ![] | {![]}"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (if (and (looking-at-p "}") (not P))
                               (tcl--insert "![" "]" 1)
                             (tcl--insert "{![" "]}" 2))))
    (lambda-key map "v" '(lambda () "insert curly-quote {}"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "{" "}" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "w" '(lambda (P) "insert a while block [] | {[]}"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (if (and (looking-at-p "}") (not P))
                               (tcl--insert "[" "]" 1)
                             (tcl--insert "{[" "]}" 2))))
    (lambda-key map "x" '(lambda (P) "insert expander {*} | {*}$args"
                           (interactive "*P")
                           (insert (if P "{*}$args" "{*}"))))
    (lambda-key map "{" '(lambda () "insert verbatim quote {}"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (tcl--insert "{" "}" 1)))
    (lambda-key map "}" '(lambda () "append verbatim quote {}"
                           (interactive "*")
                           (move-end-of-line 1) (just-one-space)
                           (insert "{}") (backward-char 1)))
  "Keymap behind the `tcl-digraph-minor-mode' prefix key.")

(defconst tcl-digraph-minor-mode-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map tcl-digraph-prefix tcl-digraph-map)
  "Keymap for `tcl-digraph-minor-mode'.")

(put 'tcl-digraph-minor-mode :included t)

(define-minor-mode tcl-digraph-minor-mode
  "The `tcl-digraph-minor-mode'.

Undefined digraphs are inserted as is; ESC will insert just the
prefix; and DEL will cancel the digraph. The digraphs are:
  :lighter " T;c;l" :global nil :init-value nil
  :keymap tcl-digraph-minor-mode-map :version "3.4")

(provide 'tcl-digraphs)

;;; tcl-digraphs.el ends here