Version 1 of tclhttpd Examples

Updated 2002-01-30 00:42:08

This page will try to collect code examples to ease the beginners to fully exploit one of Tcl's pearls, TclHTTPD, a pure-Tcl HTTPD server.

Cookie Management

To set a cookie, first use Doc_SetCookie. The following is an example of a function setting a cookie:

  Direct_Url /login login
  proc login { {username none} {password none} } {

    set expire [clock format [expr {[clock seconds] + 3600}] \
                -format "%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT" -gmt 1]

    Doc_SetCookie -name username -value $username -expire $expire

    # Just output parameters; for debugging
    set html [html::head "Login" ]
    append html "Username: $username <BR>\n"
    append html "Password: $password <BR>\n"
    return $html

2002-01-29 Acacio