Version 22 of test

Updated 2014-02-07 09:51:40 by char

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wm title . NBA_NETS labelframe .top -text "輸入球員今日比賽統計值" -relief groove -labelanchor n labelframe .t -text "火箭隊先發球員表現比較圖" -relief groove -labelanchor n frame .top.a -bg hotpink frame .top.b frame .top.c frame .top.d frame .top.e frame .top.f frame .top.g

#entry .t.a.z -width 42 -relief sunken -textvariable zz canvas .t.c -bg linen; pack .t.c foreach {icon data} {


} {

    set $icon [image create photo -data $data]


button .t.a -text "今日球員" -compound left -image $file -command { .t.c create text 100 100 -text list . Button } #} #.t.log tag configure highlight -background yellow #} button .top.z -text "儲存今日球員之表現" -compound left -image $folder -command { set mon string trimleft [clock format [clock seconds -format "%m" ] 0] set day string trimleft [clock format [clock seconds -format "%d" ] 0] set count expr ($mon-2)*28+$day foreach {ab} {aa1 aa2 aa3 bb1 bb2 bb3 cc1 cc2 cc3 dd1 dd2 dd3 ee1 ee2 ee3 ff1 ff2 ff3} {if {set $ab==""} {set $ab 0}} set fi ""; set all "" foreach {a b c} {aa1 aa2 aa3 bb1 bb2 bb3 cc1 cc2 cc3 dd1 dd2 dd3 ee1 ee2 ee3 ff1 ff2 ff3} {set a set $a; set b set $b; set c set $c; lappend all $a $b $c |; lappend fi expr $a+$b+$c} set hand open record.txt a puts $hand "$fi list $all $count" close $hand draw }

image create photo aaa -file Nets.gif label .top.a.a -image aaa label .top.a.l -text "得分 籃板 助攻" -padx 0 -fg pink -bg gray40 pack .top.a.a -side left pack .top.a.l -side bottom

label .top.b.l -text 中鋒_好沃爾 -padx 0 -fg red pack .top.b.l -side left foreach no {3 2 1} { entry .top.b.cmd$no -width 20 -relief sunken -width 5 -textvariable aa$no pack .top.b.cmd$no -side right -fill x } focus .top.b.cmd1

label .top.c.l -text 大前_帕生斯 -padx 0 -fg orange pack .top.c.l -side left foreach no {3 2 1} { entry .top.c.cmd$no -width 20 -relief sunken -width 5 -textvariable bb$no pack .top.c.cmd$no -side right -fill x }

label .top.d.l -text 小前_卡斯皮 -padx 0 -fg yellow -bg darkred pack .top.d.l -side left foreach no {3 2 1} { entry .top.d.cmd$no -width 20 -relief sunken -width 5 -textvariable cc$no pack .top.d.cmd$no -side right -fill x }

label .top.e.l -text 得衛_哈哈登 -padx 0 -fg green pack .top.e.l -side left foreach no {3 2 1} { entry .top.e.cmd$no -width 20 -relief sunken -width 5 -textvariable dd$no pack .top.e.cmd$no -side right -fill x }

label .top.f.l -text 得衛_甲西亞 -padx 0 -fg blue pack .top.f.l -side left foreach no {3 2 1} { entry .top.f.cmd$no -width 20 -relief sunken -width 5 -textvariable ee$no pack .top.f.cmd$no -side right -fill x }

label .top.g.l -text 控衛_林書豪 -padx 0 -fg pink -bg darkred pack .top.g.l -side left foreach no {3 2 1} { entry .top.g.cmd$no -width 20 -relief sunken -width 5 -textvariable ff$no pack .top.g.cmd$no -side right -fill x }

pack .top.z .top.a .top.b .top.c .top.d .top.e .top.f .top.g -side top -fill x -expand true if {!file exists record.txt} {close open record.txt w} set hand open record.txt r; while {gets $hand li>-1} {if {$li!=""} {set line $li}}; close $hand if {info exists line} { set finall lindex $line end set mon string trimleft [clock format [clock seconds -format "%m" ] 0] set day string trimleft [clock format [clock seconds -format "%d" ] 0] set count expr ($mon-2)*28+$day if {$count==$finall} {pack forget .top.z} }

#pack .t.a -side left #pack .t.a.set -side right #pack .t.a .t.log -side top -fill x -expand true #focus .top.b.cmd1 pack .top .t -side left -fill both -expand true foreach no {1 2 3} { if {$no!=3} {bind .top.b.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.b.cmdexpr $no+1" } else {bind .top.b.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.c.cmd1"} } foreach no {1 2 3} { if {$no!=3} {bind .top.c.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.c.cmdexpr $no+1" } else {bind .top.c.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.d.cmd1"} } foreach no {1 2 3} { if {$no!=3} {bind .top.d.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.d.cmdexpr $no+1" } else {bind .top.d.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.e.cmd1"} } foreach no {1 2 3} { if {$no!=3} {bind .top.e.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.e.cmdexpr $no+1" } else {bind .top.e.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.f.cmd1"} } foreach no {1 2 3} { if {$no!=3} {bind .top.f.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.f.cmdexpr $no+1" } else {bind .top.f.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.g.cmd1"} } foreach no {1 2 3} { if {$no!=3} {bind .top.g.cmd$no <Return> "focus .top.g.cmdexpr $no+1" } else {bind .top.g.cmd$no <Return> ".top.z invoke"} }

if {info exists line} {if {$count==$finall} {bind .top.f.cmd3 <Return> {}}}

proc draw {} { .t.c delete aa #update; after 100 set red ""; set orange ""; set yellow ""; set green ""; set blue ""; set pink "" set hand open record.txt r while {gets $hand line > -1} { set da lindex $line end set a lindex $line 0; set b lindex $line 1; set c lindex $line 2; set d lindex $line 3; set e lindex $line 4; set f lindex $line 5 lappend red expr $da*5 expr 250-5*$a; lappend orange expr $da*5 expr 250-5*$b; lappend yellow expr $da*5 expr 250-5*$c; lappend green expr $da*5 expr 250-5*$d; lappend blue expr $da*5 expr 250-5*$e; lappend pink expr $da*5 expr 250-5*$f .t.c create rect expr 5*$da expr 250-5*$a expr 5*$da+3 expr 250-5*$a+3 -fill red -tag aa .t.c create rect expr 5*$da expr 250-5*$b expr 5*$da+3 expr 250-5*$b+3 -fill orange -tag aa .t.c create rect expr 5*$da expr 250-5*$c expr 5*$da+3 expr 250-5*$c+3 -fill yellow -tag aa .t.c create rect expr 5*$da expr 250-5*$d expr 5*$da+3 expr 250-5*$d+3 -fill green -tag aa .t.c create rect expr 5*$da expr 250-5*$e expr 5*$da+3 expr 250-5*$e+3 -fill blue -tag aa .t.c create rect expr 5*$da expr 250-5*$f expr 5*$da+3 expr 250-5*$f+3 -fill pink -tag aa } if {llength $red>2} {.t.c create line $red -fill red -tag aa} if {llength $red>2} {.t.c create line $orange -fill orange -tag aa} if {llength $red>2} {.t.c create line $green -fill green -tag aa} if {llength $red>2} {.t.c create line $yellow -fill yellow -tag aa} if {llength $red>2} {.t.c create line $blue -fill blue -tag aa} if {llength $red>2} {.t.c create line $pink -fill pink -tag aa} close $hand } draw wm resizable . 0 0 wm withdraw . update #set x expr {([winfo screenwidth .-winfo width .)/2}] #set y expr {([winfo screenheight .-winfo height .)/2}] wm geometry . -50-50 wm deiconify .