Version 1 of text mode (terminal) progress bar / progressbar

Updated 2006-09-29 03:43:39

Wrote this one because I didn't find this one: Progress. In some ways mine is simpler and prettier (although code is less readable). In case someone finds it useful - here it is, up for the taking (or improving)...

 proc progres {cur tot} {
   # if you don't want to redraw all the time, uncomment and change ferquency
   #if {$cur % ($tot/300)} { return }
   # set to total width of progress bar
   set total 76

   set half [expr {$total/2}]
   set percent [expr {100.*$cur/$tot}]
   set val (\ [format "%6.2f%%" $percent]\ )
   set str "\r|[string repeat = [expr {round($percent*$total/100)}]][string repeat { } [expr {$total-round($percent*$total/100)}]]|"
   set str "[string range $str 0 $half]$val[string range $str [expr {$half+[string length $val]-1}] end]"
   puts -nonewline stderr $str