Version 7 of tinyurl

Updated 2004-11-08 17:59:53 by rmax

Reinhard Max - 2004-11-08

This little tool is another example of web scraping. It allows one to create a tiny URL ( ) from the command line.

The TinyURL proc can also be used in other scripts for TinyURL creation.

 package require http

 # - TinyURL
 #  Create a simple alias URL from a possibly long and complicated one
 #  using the service
 # in:  The URL to be made tiny
 # out: The tiny URL
 proc TinyURL {url} {
    set query [::http::formatQuery url $url]
    set token [::http::geturl -query $query]
    if {[::http::ncode $token] != 200} {
        return -code error [::http::data $token]
    set RE {^<input type=hidden name=tinyurl value="(.*)">$}
    if {![regexp -line $RE [::http::data $token] -> turl]} {
        return -code error \
            " has probably changed the output format."
    ::http::cleanup $token
    return $turl

 if {$argc != 1} {
    puts "usage: [info script] url"
    exit 1

 puts [TinyURL [lindex $argv 0]]

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